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ONCOLOGY PROGRESS, Jan 2006, Vol4, No1 2006 14 1 47 李 骥 综述 王胜资 审校 , 200031 上颌窦癌就诊时大多数已为晚期, 常广泛侵犯周围诸多 要器官, 包括鼻腔筛窦 综 眼眶颅底骨质等, 因此其治愈率很低许多病人因为局部未控复发而死亡近10 年来由于综合 治疗的应用, 如手术放疗 ( IMRT) 化疗等, 且随着设备及技术的不断改进, 上颌窦癌的治疗 述 有了 一定的提高 关键词 中图分类号 R73962 文献标识码 A Advances of multimodality therapy for carcinoma of maxillary sinus Li Ji Wang Shengzi ENT Hos ital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200031, China Abstract Maxillary sinus carcinomas are often diagnosed at locally advanced stages, with extensions through the bony walls of aranasal sinus, orbit, s henoid, and anterior skull base. The cure rates are oor, and most atients die of direct tumor invasion of vital organs or ra idly recurrent local disease A wide variety of modalities, including surgery, radiation thera y and chemothera y, alone or in combination have been devel o ed during the last 10 years. Key words maxillary sinus carcinoma multimodality thera y Oncol Prog, 2006, 4 ( 1) 1% ~ , 2%, , , , : , 1 , , [ 3, 4] , , ; , , , , , , [ 1~ 2] 5 10 , , , 48 2006 1 4 1 ONCOLOGY PROGRESS, Jan 2006, Vol4, No1 , , 346% 192% 905%667% 523% CF , WVAHF 123 654% ,


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