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2016届毕业生毕业设计说明书题目: 装修环境有毒气体检测仪设计院系名称:电气工程学院专业班级:学生姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称: 副教授 2016 年 月 日摘 要众所周知,房子装修后存在甲醛、氨气、苯等有毒气体。甲醛对人体健康有较大的危害,许多疾病的诱发都与甲醛有关;氨气被吸入肺后能破坏运氧功能;由于苯的挥发性大,暴露于空气中很容易扩散,对人危害极大[14]。针对装修材料散发甲醛、氨气、苯等有毒气体的浓度进行检测,设计出可以实时检测出这些有毒气体的浓度值的检测仪,能够为人们安全舒适的生活提供提一个参考标准。本设计是以基于8051内核的STC12C5A60S2单片机作为控制核心,甲醛、氨气、苯等传感器作为检测信号源,经过信号处理电路,实现在各个被检测的有毒气体的浓度超过一定设定值的时候使蜂鸣器自动报警来提醒人们做出应对。本设计由单片机、电源模块、键盘模块、警报模块、液晶显示模块、甲醛、氨气、苯等传感器电路模块组成室内装修有毒气体检测仪系统。关键词:有毒气体;检测;单片机;传感器Title Design of toxic gas detector in decoration environmentAbstructAs we all know, There are formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and other toxic gases in the house after the renovation. Formaldehyde has a greater harm to human health, induced by many diseases are associated with formaldehyde; Ammonia is inhaled into the lungs can destroy the function of oxygen; Due to the high volatility of benzene exposure in the air is very easy to spread, it has great harm to people[14]. For decoration materials emit toxic gases such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene concentrations were detected, the design of the real-time detection of the concentration of these toxic gas detection instrument, can to people safe and comfortable life provide a reference standard.The design is based on STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller 8051 as the control core, formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and other sensor as signal source, through the signal processing circuit to achieve was detected in all the toxic gas concentration exceeds a set value when the buzzer out an alarm to remind people to respond.This design consists of MCU, power module, keyboard module, alarm module, liquid crystal display module, formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and other sensor circuit modules to form the indoor decoration toxic gas detector system. Keywords: toxic gas; detection; MCU; sensor 目 次1绪论11.1研究的目的和意义11.2甲醛等有毒气体检测的发展状况11.3本设计的主要目的和总体要求22 室内有毒气体检测仪总体设计方案32.1系统完成的技术指标32.2 系统的总体方案设计32.3电化学气体传感器的选型43硬件电路设计73.1单片机电路设计73.2电源模块设计83.3液晶显示模块设计93.4报警电路设计103.5独立按键电路设计113.6


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