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1.?总论、述评?(General introductions/surveys):?从多元文化、东西方对比视角研究话语 1.???Chu, G.C. (1988) In search of an Asian perspective of communication theory. In W. Dissanayake (ed.),?Communication theory: The Asian perspectives?(pp.205—210). Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Center. 2.????????Cooks, L. M. Simpson, J. S. (ed) (2007)燱hiteness, Pedagogy, Performance.燤D: Lanham, Lexington Books. 3.un????????Dissanayake, W. (ed) (1988)燙ommunication theory: The Asian perspective. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Center. 4.e????????Gee, J. P. (2005)燗n Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and method. 2nd爀d. London: Routledge. 5.ti???Heisey, D. R., Gong, W. (ed) (1998) Communication and Culture: China and the world entering the 21st?century. Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi B.V. 6.????????Jones,P. E. (2007) Why there is no such thing as ‘‘critical discourse analysis’’.?Language Communication?27: 337-68. 7.????????Kincaid, D. L. (ed) (1987)?Communication theory: Eastern and Western perspectives.燬an Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 8.A????????Miike, Y. (2006) Non-western theory in western research? An asiacentric agenda for Asian communication studies.燭he Review of Communication?(1-2): 4-31. 9.21???Pan, Z., Chaffee, S. H., Chu, G.C., Ju, Y. (1994)燭o see ourselves: Comparing traditional Chinese and American cultural values.燘oulder, CO: Westview Press. 10.Samovar, L.A., Poter, R. E. McDaniel, E. R. (2006)營ntercultural Communication.Boston, MA:Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 11.Shi-xu (2006) A multiculturalist approach to discourse theory.燬emiotica?58 (1/4): 383-400. 12.????Shi-xu (2005)燗 Cultural Approach to Discourse. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 13. ????Tanno, D. V. Jandt, F. E. (1993/1994) Redefining the 憃ther?in multi-cultural research.燭he Howard Journal of Communication?, 36-45. 14.Xiao, X.S. (1995) China encounters Darwinism: A case of intercultural rhetoric.燪uarterly Journal of Speech?1(1): 8A:Wa3?9. 15.曹


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