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六年级上册 必背词组和句型 What time is it=What`s the time 现在几点了? It`s time for school\lunch. 到上学\午饭时间了。 have rice for lunch 午饭吃的米饭 wake up 睡醒 do morning exercises 做早操 do eye exercises 做眼操 take exercise 锻炼 wash his face 洗他的脸 have no time for breakfast 没时间吃早饭 make breakfast 做早饭 have to do 不得不去做… walk to school=go to school on foot 步行去上学 too early\too late 太早\太迟 run to…\ drive to… 跑向…\ 开车去… The clock doesn`t work. 闹钟不走了。 There is something wrong with the clock. 闹钟出毛病了。 take a walk=go (out) for a walk 去散步 do sports 做运动 worry about=be worried about… 担心… put on your hat 带上你的帽子 the old saying 谚语 come from=be from 来自… take a seat=sit down 坐下 get a job 得到一份工作 at 8 Apple Street 在苹果街8号 a computer school 电脑学校 Would you please do… 你能做… by the way 顺便说一句 How much can you pay me? 你给付给我多少钱? on weekdays 在工作日期间 work in a factory 在一家工厂上班 It`s only 7 by my clock. 我的表才7点钟。 There is a time difference between the two cities. 这两个城市有时差。 live near… 住在…附近 live far from… 住得离…远 go back to see them 回去看望他们 every three months 每三个月 like travelling by plane 喜欢坐飞机旅游 of one`s own 属于自己的 take the plane=go to…by plane 乘飞机 ride in a plane 乘飞机 It is safe to do… 做某事是安全的。 agree to do 同意去做… after a moment 片刻后 for a moment 一会儿 It`s time to do=It`s time for sth 到做某事的时间了。 rise in the east 从东边升起来 send the light into the room 将光线射入房间 here and there 到处 shine over the trees 照耀在树上 make the world beautiful(make+n.+adj) 使得世界变得美丽 anything else in the world 世界上的别的其他的东西 hide…behind… 躲藏在…的后面 travel all day and all night 整日整日地运行 wok for sb. 为某人工作 tomato soup 番茄汤 make a sentence 造句 make another sentence 再造一个句子 a little ugly frog 一只小青蛙 You are welcome=Not at all 不客气(答谢语) be nearer to … 离…更近 talk happily 谈得很开心 Please be quick. 请快一点。 get on the bus\train\plane 上公交车\上火车\上飞机 get into the car 上小车 get off the bus\train\plane 下公交车\下火车\下飞机 get out of the car 从小车里出来 much slower 慢得多 much more slowly 慢得多 look sad\happy\excited\worried 看起来伤心\开心\激动\担心 lift the stone 举起石头 even sad


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