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(数字为对应ppt的页数)3. Guqin, It is a plucked (弹拨)seven-string Chinese musical instrument with a history of more than 3000 years. The prefix gu- (meaning ancient) was later added for clarification. It can also be called qixianqin (lit. seven-stringed instrument). ?古琴,又称中国七弦琴,为中国最古老的弹拨乐器之一, 有文字可考的历史有四千余年。4. It has been played since ancient times, and has traditionally been favored by as highlighted by the quote “a gentleman does not part with his qin or se without good reason,” as well as being associated with the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius.(琴是中国古代文化地位最崇高的乐器,有“士无故不撤琴瑟”和“左琴右书”之说。位列四艺“琴棋书画”之首,被文人视为高雅的代表,亦为文人吟唱时的伴奏乐器,自古以来一直是许多文人必备的知识和必修的科目)5. 1. ConstructionEach part of the qin has meaning.According to tradition, the qin originally had five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Later,, Zhou Wen Wang added a sixth string to mourn(哀悼) his son。Zhou WuWang, added a seventh string to motivate his troops into battle with the Shang. The thirteen hui(十三徽) on the surface represent the 13 months of the year (the extra 13th is the leap month in the lunar calendar). The surface board is round to represent Heaven and the bottom board flat to represent earth. The entire length of the qin (in Chinese measurements) is 3 chi, 6 cun and 5 fen representing the 365 days of the year (though this is just a standard since qins can be shorter or longer depending on the periods measurement standard or the makers preference). 6. seven strings 七弦 thirteen hui(十三徽)7.(琴一般长约三尺六寸五(约120—125公分),象征一年三百六十五天(一说象周天365度)。一般宽约六寸(20公分左右)。一般厚约二寸(6公分左右)。琴体下部扁平,上部呈弧形凸起,分别象征天地,与古时的天圆地方之说相应和。整体形状依凤身形而制成,其全身与凤身相应(也可说与人身相应),有头、颈、肩、腰、尾、足。古琴最初只有五根弦,内合五行,金、木、水、火、土;外合五音,宫、商、角、徵、羽。后来文王囚于羑里,思念其子伯邑考,加弦一根,是为文弦;武王伐纣,加弦一根,是为武弦。合称文武七弦琴。“琴头”上部称为额。额下端镶有用以架弦的硬木,称为“岳山”,又称“临岳”,是琴的最高部分。琴底部有大小两个音槽,位于中部较大的称为“龙池”,位于尾部较小的称为“凤沼”。这叫上山下泽,又有龙有凤,象征天地万象。岳山边靠额一侧镶有一条硬木条,称为“承露”。上有七个“弦眼”,用以穿系琴弦。其下有七个用以调弦的“琴轸”。琴头的侧端,又有“凤眼”和“护轸”。自腰以下,称为“琴尾”。琴尾镶有刻有浅槽的硬木“龙龈”,用以架弦。龙龈两侧的边饰称为“冠角”,又称“焦尾”。)9. 2.Playing techniqu


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