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钻井工程常用名词术语 钻井总论 钻井drilling 钻井方法drilling method 顿钻钻井cable drilling 杆式顿钻rod tool drilling 绳式顿钻cable tool drilling 轻便钻井portable drilling 直井straight hole 深井deep well 超深井super deep well 地热井geothermal well 热采井thermal production well 工程井engineering rejection well 工程报废井abandoned well 弃井abandoned well 钻井设计well design 钻井质量drilling quality 岩石的物理机械性质physical-mechanical properties of rock 矿物的微硬度 micro-hardness of rook 肖氏岩石硬度 Shores hardness 史氏岩石硬度 Shis hardness 矿物的弹性模量elastic modulus of mineral 岩石的弹性模量elastic modulus of rock 矿物的泊松比Poissons ratio mineral 岩石的泊松比Poissons ratio rock 矿物的切变模量shear modulus of mineral 岩石的切变模量shear modulus of rock 矿物和岩石的体积压缩模量bulk compressibility mineral and rock 岩石的体积压缩系数coefficient of bulk compressibility mineral and rock 岩石的抗拉伸强度tensile strength of rock 岩石的直接拉伸试验 direct tensile test of rock 岩石的巴西劈裂拉伸实验Brazilian test of rock 岩石的筒形抗内压胀裂试验 burst test of hollow cyling by internal pressure 岩石的常规抗压缩强度 compressive strength of rock 岩石的抗剪切强度 shear strength of rock 岩石的抗剪切强度试验 shear test of rock 岩石的三轴强度试验 tri-axial test of rock 岩石的常规三轴试验 ordinary tri-axial test of rock 岩石的真三轴试验 true tri-axial test of rock 脆性岩石 brittle rock 塑性岩石plastic rock 岩石的假塑性破坏pseudo-plastic breakage of rock 岩石塑性系数coefficient of plasticity of rock 岩石的脆塑性转变压力(临界压力)brittle plastic transitional pressure of rock 岩石的库仑纳维尔强度准则Conlomb-Navier strength criterion of rock 岩石的内磨擦角和内磨擦系数angle of interal friction and coefficient of interal friction of rock 岩石的莫尔强度准则 Mohr strength criterion of rock 岩石的格里菲斯脆性破坏准则 Griffith criterion of brittle failure of rock 统计强度理论statistical strength theory 岩石的表面破碎surface fracture of rock 岩石的疲劳破碎fatigue fracture of rock 岩石的体积破碎volumetric fracture of rock 岩石的单位体积破碎pecific volumetric fracture work of rock 地应力in situ stress 岩层的水平测向应力horizontal stress of strata 测向系数coefficient of lateral pressure 围压confining pressure 有效应力effective stress 压持效应chip hold effect 岩石硬度减低剂rock hardness reducer


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