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Britain He read the phrase slowly. He cut himself badly. suddenly well quickly badly thirstily warmly Home work: 书面作业:1.词汇解析与拓展抄写一遍 2. 单词,抄写三遍 3.语法解析,抄一遍 4.课文抄写一遍 5 . 练习册上的题做完 口头作业:1.背诵单词 2.背诵课文 Imitate the text 跟 读 课 文 Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。 We go shopping on weekends. (at the weekend) 我们周末去购物。 week n. 周 Have a nice weekend ! n.周末 weekly adj. 每周的 weekday n.平日 上周 周末 平日 每周的 smile v./ n.微笑 laugh v./ n. 大笑 laughter 笑声 微笑 大笑 笑声 朝某人微笑 嘲笑某人 speak say Can you say it in English? 你会用英语说吗? tell talk 1.Speak强调“说”这一动作 speak to sb. 和某人说话 vi speak + English 说英语 vt 2.say+具体的内容 Can you say it in English ? 3.talk(两人及两人以上的)交谈,谈论 talk with sb. 与某人交谈 4.tell 告诉,传达,讲述 tell sb. sth.=tell sth.to sb. tell stories 讲故事 hand n.手 give sb. a hand 帮助某人 hand in hand 手牵手 hand hand out hand in 交出,上交 分 发 指针 by hand at hand 用手工 在手边 帮助某人 手牵手 上交 分发 用手工 在手边 cut off 删去,切除 cut in 插话 cut down 减少 减少 删去 插话 go ahead 开始干 领先 What’s going on? 发生 这里go是实义动词 后面跟副词 go over 越过 重温 go up 上涨 Meat is easy to go bad in summer. 变质 这句话中go是系动词 系动词+ adj (表语) 越过 发生 开始干 上涨 变质 I did not ____ English. A. know B. see C. understand How to ___ it in English? A. speak B. talk C. say Can you give me a ____ ? A. help B. hand C. foot 1. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. 2. The man smiled pleasantly. 3. He read the phrase slowly. 4. He shaved hurriedly this morning. 1. It’s a nice dress. (L13) 2. He looks ill. He feels ill. (L61) 3. I am a good singer. 4. She is a lovely girl. 形容词是用来形容人的,或形容物的。 主要修饰 ---- 名词 1. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. 2. The man smiled pleasantly. 3. He read the phrase slowly. 4. He shaved hurriedly this morning. 副词是用来修饰 ---- 而且多以 –ly 结尾的词 动词 词尾加ly quiet


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