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口语基础—音标 英国通用发音 (Received pronunciation---RP) “标准的语音是不存在的。” “通用发音”(简称RP)。 发音器官 1 上唇 2 上齿 3 上齿背 4 上齿龈 5 硬腭 6 软腭 7 悬雍垂 8 鼻腔 9 咽部 10 声带 11 下唇 12 舌尖 13 舌前 14 口腔 15 舌中 16 舌后 前元音 Front vowels 前元音:/ i: /, / i /, / e /, / ? / 前元音的特点就是前舌在活动, 舌尖都抵下齿背, 前舌都向硬颚抬起, 只是高度不同。 / i: / 试读:eat, read, bee, tree 发音技巧: 舌尖抵下齿 舌前部向硬颚抬起没有摩擦 嘴唇做微笑状,上下齿仅容纳火柴棍 / i / 试读:it, pig, give, his 发音技巧: 舌前部向硬颚抬起 舌尖放在上下齿之间 下颚稍稍下降 上下齿间仅容纳小指尖 / e / 试读:egg, bed, get, ten 发音技巧: 舌尖抵下齿 舌前部稍抬起 上下齿间距离能容纳食指 / ? / 试读:at, fat, cap, gas 发音技巧: 舌尖抵下齿 上下齿尖可容纳食指和中指 发/ i: /的字母组合 e在重读开音节中: meter, even, legal ea: read, peace ee: need, feel ei在字母c或s后:seize, ceiling, deceit ie: field, piece, thief 听写 lesson 2, 00-01:50 熟读,并标出下列读i: 的字母 Sit down, please! Keep up with Seeing is believing. Do you see the key on the seat? The peace-keeping truce try to keep peace at that place. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream 发/ i /的字母组合 ai, ay在非重读音节中:captain, mountain Sunday e 在非重读音节中:enjoy, jacket, coffee i 在重读闭音节或非重读音节:big, fish, English y 在闭音节和词尾: system, city, gymnasium 听写lesson 1, 00- 01:48 熟读,并标出下列读i 的字母 Give up Stick to Put into practice Be interested in We should try to put the principle into practice. The little did will fix his little ship. If I assist a sister assistant, will the sister’s sister assistants assist me? In India, innocent infants are thrown into the river. 发/e/的字母组合 e 在重读闭音节中:bed, desk, dress ea: heavy, death, ready 听写lesson 5, 00-01:45 熟读,并标出下列读e 的字母 Get together Get ready for Never mind Check out Make a dead-set at Step by step I will never forget the splendid time we spend together. Let’s get together when the weather is better. He sent ten men to mend the vent in the engine of the tender. Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday, so Fred’s fresh bread is ready already. 发/ ? /的字母组合 a 在重读闭音节中: man, hand, happy 听写lesson 5 , 03:35--04:50 As a matter of fact hand in hand Catch up with It’s very bad of you to talk back to your dad. That black man has taken