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Lecture 9 Interpreting ceremonial speeches 礼仪讲话的常见类型及其特点 1)主要包括祝酒词、各种场合的开幕式(opening ceremony )和闭幕式(closing ceremony)祝词和答谢词 2)总的说来,正式的礼仪讲话一般包括以下几个部分: A: 称呼:即讲话的对象,如: Ladies and Gentlemen, Your honor Mr. Mayor, Respected Dr. smith, Your excellency President and Mrs. President (Bush) B. 代表…向…表示感谢/祝贺等客套话,如: On behalf of all the members of my delegation, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their gracious hospitality. C: 正文: 既讲话的主要部分 D: 结尾: 在礼仪讲话的结尾部分,讲话人常常要再次向讲话的对象表示感谢。如果是宴会祝酒辞,讲话人常常提议为…… 干杯。 注意: 在口译这类讲话时,除了注意要忠实地翻译讲话的意义,还必须特别留意讲话的对象及其称谓。 Words to give thanks Grateful I am grateful to you for your help I am grateful that you didn’t tell my wife about this Appreciate We * your efforts for the development of the company We greatly *your timely help Gratitude I am full of gratitude to you for helping me with my English Appreciation The audience showed their appreciation with loud cheers. He showed little appreciation of my advice I am very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress” I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor (我说不出...,无法用语言来表达.) I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher. I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. I am very grateful… I want to thank …for… I want to express my gratitude to I want to express my appreciation to… …means a great deal to me. Words can’t express… Vocabulary development 致开幕/闭幕/欢迎词 : Deliver/make an opening/closing/welcome speech/address 开幕式/闭幕式 签字仪式 宣布…开幕/闭幕 陛下:Your\His\Her Majesty 殿下: Highness/Excellency/Royal Highness 阁下: Your // Honor/excellency 值此…之际: on the occasion of 以…的名义: in the name of 承蒙/应… 的盛情邀请: at the gracious invitation of 回顾过去: look back on; in retrospect 展望未来: look ahead; look into the future 最后: in conclusion/closing Exercises Your excellen


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