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Life of Pai * ----一个人的奥德赛 This is A Story about Survive. 这是一个关于生存的故事。 They book a passage on a freighter and take along the zoo animals his father owns. At sea, a storm scuttles the ship, and Pi finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan and a Bengal tiger. Many days of hardship pass. Those who manage to survive battle injuries and hunger until just Pi and the tiger, named Richard Parker, remain. Pi attempts to build a relationship with Richard Parker that wont include the animal eating him for lunch. Over time, the human and the carnivore come to an understanding. They forge a bond as they help each other survive against the forces of nature. 连同父亲拥有的动物园的所有动物们,他们搭上了一艘货轮。船在海上被风暴击沉,只有派一人幸存。他与另外4只动物——土狼、斑马、猩猩和孟加拉虎——同在一艘救生艇上。经过多天的磨难,最终只有派与名为理查德·帕克的老虎战胜伤痛和饥饿,活了下来。 派试图驯服老虎帕克,只求对方不要吃了自己。渐渐地,人与虎达成了某种默契 。在强大的自然面前,他们携手互助求生。 Pi grows up in India. He is a boy of boundless curiosity and imagination. One day, though, he is uprooted as his family decides to move to Canada to escape political and religious tensions and to find better opportunities. (以派从小在印度长大,是个充满无限好奇心和想象力的男孩。突然有一天父母告诉他,因为当地紧张的政治和宗教局势,全家打算迁往加拿大谋生。派被迫背井离乡。 ----这是一个关于信仰的故事。 At the beginning of the story, the adult Pi describes himself as a Hindu-Catholic-Muslim. As a boy, he was continuously searching for God. The story of Pi is described in the film as a story that will make you believe in God. 派一直追问上帝:为什么活下来的是他,而他最亲的人都离他而去?生与死之间,派在信仰的悖论中挣扎。227天的海上之旅使他经历了精神考验,但他的信仰从未动摇过。在海上与猛兽帕克为伍的经历,使他找到了一个至高无上的存在 影片之初,中年派形容自己是印度教徒、天主教徒和穆斯林的综合体。从小时候起,他就开始不断寻找心中的那个神。派的故事在影片中被形容成是一个能让人相信上帝的故事。 Pi continually questions God as to why he was chosen to survive, while those closest to him were lost. He grapples with the paradox of faith as he navigates between life and death during his 227-day spiritual trial. And his faith never wavers. His experience at sea with his ferocious friend, Richard Parker, helps him to discover a supreme being. Magnificence 这是一个恢弘的故事。 Its use of 3-D is masterful, as the technology hel


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