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Education in Great Britain What is education trying to achieve? For the individual? For the society? Purpose of Education In Great Britain, the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and other basic skills, as well as to “socialise” them – to teach them how to be good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy. (pg 102-103) Controversy How do you measure success? Should education be “equal” for everyone? Britain is a society where social classes are still very important. There is a big distinction between working class and middle class people. Social Class About half of British would describe themselves as working-class, and half would be middle-class. They are divided by employment (manual workers vs. office workers), cultural differences (newspapers, entertainment), the way they speak (accents are stronger in the working-class), and education Social Class Most Britons go to the same kind of school – free public education, but about 7% attend private schools. These schools offer a good education, as well as connections. About half of Oxford and Cambridge University students come from private schools. About 90% of the government senior ministers were graduates from “Oxbridge”. A difference in British class systems as compared with China or America is that there is still an aristocracy. There are people with titles such as barons and dukes. Private Schools -Eton and Winchester are the most famous boy schools in England Oxford and Cambridge are the most famous universities in the U.K. History of Education Historically, education was voluntary and many of the schools that were set up,were set up by churches. The church still has an influence on schooling. Daily prayers and singing hymns (songs to God) are still a regular part of school life in many schools. History of Education l??Before 1870 only 40% of children under 10 years old went to school an


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