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Effective Resume Writing “Make your Resume Stand Apart” Why Give Importance to Resume? Competition being fierce, you need not just Resumes but “Attention Grabbing Resumes.” First point of interaction between employer you. Usually, a Hiring Manager spends not more than15 –20 seconds per Resume. describe your level of profession. Why Give Importance to Resume? Nowadays, the employers pay much more attention to resumes. They always keep them for one year or half a year after they receive the resumes. If there are vacancies, they will look over these resumes that they received before. 现在的雇主非常重视简历,人事部门收到一份简历后,一般会保存半年到一年。只要有空缺,他们会查看已经收到的简历。 Essentials of a Resume :- Clear Objective Professional Summary Core Ability Professional Experience Educational Qualification Achievements Personal information Avoid Mistakes Don not use ‘I’, ‘Me’, ‘He’, ‘She’ etc. Avoid spelling mistakes. Do not use abbreviations that are difficult to understand. Expressions you might need… AB级 PRETCO (Practical English Test for Colleges) level A 全国计算机二级证书 NCRE(National Computer Rank Examination) Certificate Grade 2 三好学生 “triple-A” Outstanding Student 优秀干部 Excellent Leader 优秀团员 Excellent League Member 团支部书记 League branch secretary 高自考 Higher Educational Self-instruction Examination 大专 three-year college Expressions you might need… 暑假实习 summer internship at… 主修 major 副修 minor 特别训练 special training 社会实践 social practice 课外活动 extracurricular activities 家庭教师 tutor 单证员 documentation clerk 跟单员 merchandiser 业务员 Foreign trade clerk (salesman) 全国商科院校技能大赛国际贸易专业竞赛China International Trade Competition Models * * Name 1)Yang Li (李阳) 2)YANG LI (李阳) 3)Li Yang 建议大家用“YANG LI (李阳)”这种写法。 名前姓后、全部大写加粗的写法,符合国际规范,加上中文名,便于中国人事经理阅读。 若没有中文,不容易搞清楚应聘者姓李还是姓杨。 双字名怎么写?   “梁晓峰”,这里介绍四种写法:   1)Xiao-feng Liang   2)Xiaofeng Liang 3) XIAOFENG LIANG   建议用第二种,Xiaofeng Liang,最简单方便。 Education Background   1)时间要倒序,最近的学历要放在最前面。 2)学校名最好大写并加粗,这样便于招聘者迅速识别你的学历。 3)学历,可以把学历名称放在最前。 Language Skills “语言能力”有几个层次: “n


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