第10节 虚拟内存.pdf

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Chapter 10: Virtual Memory虚拟内存 Background背景 Demand Paging 请求调页 Process Creation 进程创建 Page Replacement 页替换 Allocation of Frames 物理页帧的分配 Thrashing 抖动 Solaris and WindowsNT 10.1 Background背景 10.2 Background Virtual memory – separation of user logical memory from physical memory.将逻辑内存与物理内存分离 Only part of the program needs to be in memory for execution.程序执行时只有部分需要在内存 Logical address space can therefore be much larger than physical address space.逻辑地址空间远大于物理 Allows address spaces to be shared by several processes. 允许多进程共享地址空间 Allows for more efficient process creation. 允许更高效的进程创建 Virtual memory can be implemented via: Demand paging 请求调页 Demand segmentation请求调段 10.3 Virtual Memory That is Larger Than Physical Memory 虚拟内存远 大于物理内存 页表放在哪里??? 10.4 Demand Paging 请求调页 10.5 Demand Paging请求调页 Bring a page into memory only when it is needed. 仅在需要时才将一页调入内存 Less I/O needed较少的I/O Less memory needed较少的内存 Faster response较快的响应 More users支持更多的用户 Page is needed ⇒reference访问to it invalid reference非法访问⇒abort异常退出 not-in-memory不在内存⇒bring to memory调入 10.6 Transfer of a Paged Memory to Contiguous Disk Space 将分页的内存 交换到 连续的外存空间 10.7 Valid-Invalid Bit (页表中的有效位) With each page table entry a valid–inva


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