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sqlserver连接字符串(国外英文资料) SQL Server 2005 connection string code (2010-01-05 22:58:16) reprinted tags: it taxonomy:.net There was an SQL connection error in the test program yesterday. Because Microsoft SQL Server 2000 was used before, the test is now Microsoft SQL Server 2005, so the first response should be a change in the connection string. Search for SQL Server 2005 connection string code to find a lot of content. This is still used because of the OLE DB connection. The connection string in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is: The Provider = SQLOLEDB; Data Source = server; Initial Catalog = database; User Id = User; Password = Password; or The Provider = SQLOLEDB; Server = Server; The Database = Database; Uid = user; The Pwd = password; The connection string in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is: The Provider = SQLNCLI; Data Source = server; Initial Catalog = database; User Id = User; Password = Password; or The Provider = SQLNCLI; Server = Server; The Database = Database; Uid = user; The Pwd = password; The change is in the content of the Provider. SQL Server 2005 connection string code Author: source: release date: 2008-04-07 SQL Native Client ODBC Driver Standard secure connection Driver = {SQL Native Client}; Server = myServerAddress; The Database = myDataBase; Uid = myUsername; The Pwd = myPassword; Are you using SQL Server 2005 Express? In the Server option, use the connection expression host name \ \ SQLEXPRESS. Trusted connection Driver = {SQL Native Client}; Server = myServerAddress; The Database = myDataBase; Trusted_Connection = yes; Integrated Security = SSPI is the same as Trusted_Connection = yes. Connect to an SQL Server instance Specify that the expression for the Server instance is the same as the connection string of the other SQL Server. Driver = {SQL Native Client}; Server = myServerName \ \ theInstanceName; The Database = myDataBase; Trusted_Connection = yes; Specify the user name and password OConn. Properties ( Prompt ) = adPromptAlways Driver = {SQL Nat


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