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《半截蜡烛》教学反思(国外英文资料) Half the candle reflects the first year of the Soviet union Su teaches the first grade Su teaches the second grade Su teaches second grade Su teaches the third grade Su teaches third grade Su teaches the fourth grade Sue teaches fourth grade Sue teaches fifth grade Sue teaches fifth grade Sue teaches sixth grade Sue teaches sixth grade Sue teaches seventh grade Sue teaches in the seventh grade Set to the home page Contact the webmaster Join the collection Home teaching lesson plans | | Sue taught lesson plan lesson plans | | north division complete lesson plans | planning | | | | paper assignments papers note | | | | summary subject class team | recreational space | | | textbooks play online teacher o clock | Sue version of courseware | | north division edition courseware taught teaching | | Sue taught practice teaching speaking lesson | | Sue Teaching Suggestions | | various system | various writings on the best content submission by notification comparison | | various types of publication content submission by calligraphy employs | remarks webmaster | sotsu teaches the BBCs , the second edition of , half of the candle for reflection on heat Half candle is a reflection on teaching Author: anonymous repost: original number of hits: 3866 Half candle is a reflection on teaching The article, half of the candle, vividly recounts the fact that during the second world war, Mrs. Bernoude and her sudden intruder were all three The officers of the state fought bravely and cleverly, and finally saved the story of the information station. The full text leads to the fate of half a candle, the point of the candle Burning and extinguishing the excuse and the hand of the three of the sons and daughters of Mrs Bonnord, the story twists and turns Heartstrings, the descriptions of the characters psychology, behavior and language activities make the article more vivid and inject the living soul into the article. This article is worth a lot of good taste, and the


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