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上海市实验学校东校2007学年第二学期小学部德育工作计划(国外英文资料) This week time this week 4/7 4/11 4/14 4/14 this week this week 4/14 4/11 this week this week 4/28 4/28 4/28 4/28 time this week this week 5/12 5/12 5/16 5/16 5/12 5/12 5/26 this week this week this week this week 5/26 time 6/2 6/5 this week 6/9 this week Week 10 (4/21-4/25) the tenth week (4/28-5/2) May: the 13th week of art month (5/5-5/9). Week 10 (5/19-5/23) fifteenth week (5/26-5/30) June: the 16th week of the week (6/2-6/6). The seventeenth week (6/9-6/13) Eighteenth week (6/16-6/20) 19th week (6/23-6/27) 2, 3 class meeting (6/9), fathers day, the school party lesson 1: test counseling (skypig) 2, 3, growing gas station of the final exam overall finish work 1, 2, 3 parents reception, commencement 4, the teacher in charge work - study ways to develop education work on 5, international day This week, this week, 6/16 this week, this week, this week, 6/27, 6/27, 6/26 August: summer holiday, month: 6/28-8/31, summer camp activity. The founding anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China (CPC) is 7/1, and the establishment of the military section, 8/1, etc. See the vacation plan Note: bi-weekly school meeting. Lesson 1, school class meeting: weekly class meeting (in grade, there are lesson plans) 2, arranged at noon (12:30 -- - ) on Tuesday (single: health education; double: ten minutes will) on Wednesday (double: red scarf broadcast) on Thursday (ii), grade four of the expo etiquette course on Friday (reading newspapers activities) 3, on duty squadron: three and grade four class. (the first week for four class 2, and so on, each week on duty personnel 10 people) 4, conduct appraisal: published once a week, a month qualified class code of conduct, code of conduct demonstration class. (the class ratio is: 30 to 50 percent) 5, the head teachers meeting: one Monday at 12:20 + the first class of the afternoon. Directors online salon: once a semester. 6, childrens park time: 12:00-12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. - 15:50, 7pm, t


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