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上海美食菜名翻译与规范(国外英文资料) The hoofs of the cooking method are Fried, braised and steamed. Here we choose one of the main cooking methods, Braised Pigs Knuckle in Brown Sauce. Salt and Pepper Pork Ribs are the main ingredients of the Salt and Pepper sauce. Instead of Crab Meat, the semantic focus of Shark Fin and Crab Meat should be called Steamed Buns with Crab Meat and Sharks Fin. The English translation of Hot and Sour Seafood Soup does not conform to the target language specification, meaning that the adjective structure of the flavor should be placed at the top of the vegetable name, so it will be Hot and Sour Seafood Soup. (4) part of the English translation is tedious Is often used in the dish, the two function words, and and with, sometimes tied for the dishes of raw materials, and may be used twice, in this way, the dishes is not clear and concise, information focus is not prominent. We can learn from the strategy used by western and overseas Chinese restaurant layout menus: and, w. instead of with. Shrimp Roe with Bamboo Shoot and Black Mushroom. Without misunderstandings, you can even omit , such as Melon Conch Chicken Soup (ningshuxia, 2002). There are various other problems in the translation of the menu that are limited to this article, which is no longer covered. The loss of the menu in the translation of the information, the structure of language is not standard, capitalization and spelling problem such as the chaos and even cultural mistranslation, great confusion and inconvenience to foreign tourists. As a result, the translation of the menu needs to be standardized to better serve the expo 2010. Features of menu translation The purpose of translation is to achieve across language and culture communication, to achieve the original intention, therefore the translator should be based on specific translations, grasp the original intention, flexible to choose the appropriate translation strategies. Communicative translation is a translation strategy proposed


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