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被动语态知识点及练习题(国外英文资料) Talk to the education disciplinary information hotline: 0594-2522520 The passive voice review three steps The passive voice is a form of the verb, meaning that the subject is the recipient of the action. In the past years, there have been a number of questions about the passive voice. Therefore, it is necessary to review the passive voice system. The first song: master the structure of passive voice The passive voice is composed of auxiliary verbs + and the past participle of the verb. The difference between passive voice in different tenses is mainly reflected in the change of the auxiliary verb be, and the auxiliary verb be is also to be consistent with the subject in person and number. The passive voice of several common tenses in junior high school is summarized as follows: The present simple passive voice: am/is/are + done, for example: English is used all over the world. The picture was painted two years ago. The flowers are being repaired by them now. The room has been cleaned up. The work will be finished tomorrow. Your homework must be handed in today. In the past, passive voice: was/were + done Other special sentence patterns: It is said that... ... It is well known that... It is reported that... ... Have STH done The second is: master the active voice and the passive voice When the active voice becomes passive, three steps should be taken: 1) the object of active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice. The verb of the active voice becomes passive in the form of active voice. 3) the subject of the active structure becomes the object of the preposition by, which consists of a prepositional phrase, after the predicate of the passive structure. The phrase can be omitted when the actor who does not have to specify the action or the person who emphasizes the action. Please see model: My brother repaired that bike yesterday. The subject predicate is the rest of the verb That bike was repaired yesterday. The verb by + is the rest of t



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