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A very important reason is because some people think that the low period of both physical and mental development of students is not suitable for paint brush. Primary school education have launched a protection of primary school childrens physical health development in the elementary school low section student advocate automatic pencil instead of a pen or ball-point pen. So, some argue that the same brush painting is it will affect the health of the elementary school low section children physical development. The elementary school low section of childrens physical development certainly not entirely, in line with it is good to protect the healthy development of childrens physical desire, but thus rejected all reasonable to teaching is unreasonable. In fact, the development of the brain decides the individual, in the development of the nervous system, determines the individual psychological development. Research shows that, the average weight of the human brain change trend is: the newborn to 390 grams; Between 8 and 9 months, children are 600 grams; Children aged 2 to 3 were 990-1011 grams; Between 6 and 7 years old children are 12,80g; The 9-year-old was 1350g; 12岁儿童为1400克,达到了成人的平均脑重量.由此,我们可以轻易发现,小学低段儿童(9岁)与小学高段儿童脑的重量仅差50克,小学低段儿童在这方面学习中国画的条件并不过于逊色小学高段儿童.以现实为例,事实上,许多著名画家古有齐白石,徐悲鸿,今有石涛,潘天寿无一不是从小开始培养其中国画的能力的.再者,从心理上说,小学低段儿童在心理上的发展也是以开始担当中国画的学习能力.艾里克森认为,人生的发展可以分为8个阶段,而第四阶段正是小学低段儿童的发展阶段(7--12岁).他认为这一阶段学生的心理正处于一种勤奋进取与自贬自率相矛盾的环境中.中国画教学在这一时期进行传授,正是着力于激发学生勤奋进取的精神.学习活动对小学生心理发展起着决定作用.学校的学习活动成为小学生的主导活动,对小学生的心理发展有着更为重大的意义,尤其是中国画的教学,中国画古有陶情养性之说,在小学低段正确开展中国画教学有助于帮助学生从这样一种矛盾中摆脱出来.所以说,我们担心小学低段儿童生理与心理发展会不适合中国画教学显然是杞人忧天,庸人自扰.我们更需要考虑的是如何在小学低段儿童中,培养中国画能力,利用中国画教学去促进小学低段儿童身心更健康地发展. 理由四,中国画教学培养小学低段学生想象力,引发创造力
Art creation need art imagination, similarly, also need art creation to promote art imagination. Teachers should properly guide students imagination in art class teaching. Teachers in the elementary school low section students in the teaching of Chinese painting art, l