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发展老年体育的意义及策略(国外英文资料) The meaning and strategy of developing geriatric sports With social development and people living standard rise, the proportion of the elderly population in society there is a growing trend, and gradually entered the aging society in our country, to become the worlds most populous country in the elderly. In an ageing society, develop the elderly sports, help to improve the quality of the elderly people, enhance the elderly health, improve the mental status of the elderly, so as to realize old time, LaoYouSuoYi, teaching, this paper, the old-ageds providing. The connotation and development of old sport Elderly sports is an important part of social undertakings of physical culture and sports, is an ageing population as an object, to strengthen body and prolong life, rich cultural life of the elderly, improving old spirit for the purpose, gentle and relaxed sports as the means of sports activities. Under the background of aging population in China, the elderly sports development quickly and presents some characteristics, such as the elderly where the growth of sports population, elderly sports recreation, arbitrariness of elderly sports venues and elderly exercise the comfortable sex of the time. Despite the rapid development of elderly sports in China, there are many constraints. Such as lack of scientific fitness knowledge, good sport venues, and elderly sports professional guidance, to the elderly sports brings inconvenience, affected the enthusiasm of elderly sports, to reach a good effect of physical exercise. The value of aging sports in the context of aging The social value of developing old age sports. The elderly to participate in sports, show the positive enterprising spirit, the spirit of teaching elan, youthful spirit, this has important significance for national rejuvenation and the country rich and powerful. The development of old age sports is an effective way to transfer the customs and transform the society. Elderly sports activit


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