阳江-初中英语常识时态--以前未来时和 现在完成前进时(国外英文资料).doc

阳江-初中英语常识时态--以前未来时和 现在完成前进时(国外英文资料).doc

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阳江-初中英语常识时态--以前未来时和 现在完成前进时(国外英文资料)

阳江-初中英语知识时态--过去将来时和 现在完成进行时(国外英文资料) Yang jiang-junior middle school English knowledge Tenses - the present perfect continuous tense Practice the exam questions We believe that Mary _________ take the money at that time. 4 A. won t B., t C. is not going to Dont worry. I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. A. will difference B. gave, C. order difference D. difference _________for three years. A. snowed B. snows C. has snowed D. has had been snowing Hes very tired. Hes been typing letters all day. _______________________________________________________________________ Two: test point analysis A. in the future The action or state of being that is going to happen in the past is used in the object clause. A: would + the original form of the verb. His uncle said that Andy would give up smoking. B. Its now complete The movement from the past to the present. The move is likely to continue. Have/have been/have been doing well All day, all this morning, all these years or for + time. She has been teaching English in this school for ten years. Examples: -how long...? -- Since two years ago. A. have collected B. did, collect C. have had been collecting D. are collecting Analytic: D. It is known that the perfect tense is needed. The verb collect is a transitive verb that cannot be used in the question of how long. But transitive verbs can be used in sentences that are now completed. The knowledge point is practiced after the class Part one: write the past form of the following words Is \ am fly plant are drink play Go... Make... make does dance Dont worry ask taste eat draw Put put __________ throw kick pass Do... Part two: single item choice On television last night the newscaster announced that the leader... A. will arrive b. will arrive d. will arrive He told us that He would begin the dictation when we________ ready. A. will be b. will be c. will be d. will My aunt ___


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