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雅思写作中常用的逻辑连接词(国外英文资料) Ielts writing has always been a problem for ielts candidates. What is the secret sauce? Clearly, the time for writing templates is over. English writing and cohesion is the route to Rome. With reference to the ielts official score standard, it is not hard to see the ieltss emphasis on English writing logic: logic and Cohesion, Coherence and Cohesion) is one of the four principles of writing score. For example, the standard of writing criteria for logic and cohesion is described in terms of six points: logic and cohesion is described in this way: Arranges the information and ideas coherently and there is a clear overall story (a coherent organization of information and arguments, in general, to promote the development of the prose clearly); USES cohesive devices effectively, but cohesion within and/or between sentences may be faulty or mechanical (use cohesive devices effectively, but the cohesion between internal and/or sentences sometimes wrong or too machinery) What is known as the clear advance in writing is the word that is used in the article, at least in terms of logical conjunction. The signal word has a role in the coherence of the process, and it is also one of the many transitions in English writing. The logical conjunctions used in ielts writing are classified as follows: (1) the following: and, too, in the form of education, But also... , along with, next, whats more. (2) time: after, before, soon, when, immediately, then. For example, for example, such as, that is, in other words, in fact. (4) the second point is similar in some ways to the first one: Like, as, in the some way, as well, too, equally, and so on. (5) different, namely, views and different point of view we have come to expect (readers to the meaning of the sentence translation ready) : Unlike, in contrast with \ to, whereas, on the contrary, on the other hand, the home, but, or, yet, day, nevertheless, my, in spite of, despite, rather than. (6) since, because of, due


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