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MySql,Oracle三种数据库性能优缺点及异同 MySql advantages MySql is a fast, multithreaded, multi-user SQL database server. It is almost free, supports regular SQL query languages and USES a variety of data types, which can provide detailed queries for data. MySqls core program USES full multithreaded programming. Threads are lightweight processes that can be flexible to provide services to users, but many systems resources. MySql, implemented in multithreaded and C languages, can easily take full advantage of the CPU. MySql runs under different operating systems. Simply put, MySql can support Windows 95/98 / NT / 2000, as well as a variety of operating system platforms such as UNIX, Linux, and SUN OS. This means that applications implemented in an operating system can be easily ported to other operating systems. MySql has a very flexible and secure permissions and password system. When the client connects to the MySql server, all the password passes between them are encrypted and MySql supports host authentication. MySql supports ODBC for Windows. MySql supports all the ODBC 2.5 functions and many other functions, so you can connect to the MySql server with Access, which makes MySqls application greatly expanded. MySql supports large databases. Although for written in PHP web page as long as can store more than hundreds of records data is enough, but the MySql can easily support millions of records in the database. As an open source database, MySql can make changes to different applications. MySql has a very fast and stable thread-based memory allocation system that you can use without worrying about its stability. In fact, MySql is stable enough to handle a very large database. Powerful query function. SELECT and MySql support queries WHERE clause all the operators and functions, and can be mixed in the same query from different database table, so as to make the query is fast and convenient. PHP provides a strong support for MySql, which offers a complete set of MySql functions t


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