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2009年公共管理学基础 Name to explain Total quality management Refers to an organization take the quality as the center, on the basis of full participation, purpose is to through the customer satisfaction and all members of the organization and the management way of social benefit and achieve long-term success. In total quality management, the concept of quality is related to the implementation of all the management goals. brainstorming In group decision-making, the so-called groupthink is formed by the influence of group members psychological interaction, which is susceptible to authority or majority opinion. Groupthink undermines the critical spirit and creativity of the group and undermines the quality of decisions. Order to ensure the creative group decision and improve the quality of decision-making, management on the development of a series of improving group decision method, brainstorming is a typical one. Brainstorm method can be divided into direct brainstorming (commonly referred to as brainstorming) and questioning brainstorm method (also known as counter-brainstorming). The former is the expert group decision as creative as possible, produce as many methods of the vision, the latter is the former ideas, plan one by one put forward by the question, has analyzed its feasibility. Feedback control Management analysis of the results of previous work, compared with the control standard, it found that deviation in and find out the reason, proposed corrective action to prevent deviation development or continue to exist, is the feedback control. Legal right Managers are appointed, they have legitimate powers, they reward and punish, and their influence comes from the formal authority vested in their positions. Leaders can be appointed, or they can be generated from a group, and leaders can influence other peoples activities without formal power Performance management The so-called performance management, it is to point to managers and employees at all levels in order to a


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