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nothing /detail/exchange.htm?group_id=1024013tracelog=qzlistbt /Product/clothing.aspx?cn=651type=0adsiteid/pages/chinalawinfo/1720/2/df80f248658507909637701197a925fd_0.html 我有一个好朋友 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 发表时间:2009-06-02 16:10浏览次数:228次字号:大中小 重难点 一、解释 1。几乎近吗? 2。总是?所有的时间 3所示。照顾吗?照顾 4所示。讨论?讨论aboutsth 5。步行去上学了吗?步行上学 6。其他人呢?其他的人 7所示。小吗?小而可爱的 二、词组 1。和某人说话。 2。每一天 3所示。出去 4所示。/中午/晚上深夜里/黎明 5。步行到学校 6。与某人分享某物 7所示。互相帮助 8。迟到了… 9。生气 10。善待… 11。对某人很有帮助。 12。讲谎言/故事/时间/新闻/方式 13。怎么样/如何 14。在星期天 15。地球之友 16。把某物分成 17所示。叫某人做某事/叫某人不要做某事 18岁。答应做某事/承诺不做某事 19所示。留下的垃圾 20。污染空气 21。空气/水/土地污染 22。照顾环境 23。垃圾桶 24。使某物保持干净 25。在所有 26。问某人关于某事 27。捡起某物 28。购物袋 29。住在美国 30。一直到sp,Cf。tosp消失。 31日。吃/吃午餐 语法 我常用介词 1。你去过长城吗?来 2。我周日要去那里 3。我总是在办公室和她说话。来 4。她晚上从不出门。在 5。她对别人总是很友好。来 6。基蒂问我关于我的家庭的事。关于 7。水世界呢?关于 8。 We are friends of the Earth We must look after our environment The environment is all The things round us They put the rubblish into the bin Discuss it with your classmates She always shares her food with me Continue to learn the adverbs of frequency Never? Rarely? Sometimes? ,? Usually? always I never get up early on Sundays. I often share my classmates. Do they usually Do their homework at home? Note the position of the adverb in the sentence III. The tense The effect of the past actions on the present Structure: have (has) + past participle The present simple present tense is usually present in the third person singular verb plus s, and the method of s is consistent with the plural of nouns. I go to school on Sundays He goes to school on Sunay Mr. White doesnt go to school on Sundays. The verb is to do STH Tell sb not to do STH. (ask, tell, want, order...) Promise not to do STH Whats the difference between being to and gone to Been to... Gone to... Go to the... Already and yet It can be used for the completion of tenses, already used for positive sentences; Yet is us


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