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2011初中生转化技巧.ppt In this paper, by shuijq888 contribution Powerpoint documents may be a poor experience at the WAP end. It is recommended that you choose TXT, or download the source file to the native view. one Small request To protect your listening Please dispatch the phone to silent mode During the lecture, please do not whisper During the lecture, during the lecture, please dont walk around During the lecture, during the lecture, please do not answer phone During the lecture, Thank you for your cooperation! Thank you for your cooperation! 2 I have a shortcut to success The choice is over trying to eliminate worry Our dilemma The college entrance exam is out of hand... The disappointed relatives of the family members alienated their friends by alienating their friends ... 4 What do we do Play crazily? Play crazily? Shut up, dare not go out? Shut up, dare not go out? Quit your studies and go out to work? Quit your studies and go out to work? Ready to resume, next year? Ready to resume, next year? Further education -- major in college, major in college and major in college 5 The experts advice There are countless choices for high school students now, and the choice of too many students and parents now has numerous choices, and more confusion. There is more confusion. I give students and parents three principles High school students must further study, high school students must further study, do not recommend work directly Participate in comprehensive education and receive vocational education is a good choice, comprehensive education and receive vocational education is a good choice, but want to combine the economic conditions of students and parents choose professional is more important, be sure to combine student interest and the social development trend, picking a major is more important, be sure to combine student interest and the social development trend, according to the situation Conditions advised to choose information technology, choice of conditions sugges


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