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阳江-初中英语知识点--并列句(国外英文资料) Yangjiang - middle school English knowledge point Chapter 8 -- -- -- -- - Practice of the midterm The dress fits me well, _______________I dont want to buy it because it is too expensive. 7 A. so B. the and C. but D. the or -- Somebody is waiting outside. He wants to see you. -_______________no one know I am here. A. the for B. the And C. But D. So The doctors and The nurses were very tired. _______________they still went on working. A. so B. the and C. the or D. but -- Would you like to come to my house for dinner tonight? - - - - Id love to. A. so B. the or C. the and D. but Study hard, _______________you are sure to have a good result in the exam. A. the and B. but C. the for D. the or (6) Sam was ill yesterday. A. didn t B. not did C. didn t do D. didn t did Two: test point analysis In the case of an or (or, or otherwise), the term or or or . The or... (either...) or otherwise. Eg: Hurry up, or we will be late for the meeting. A juxtaposition of causality represented by so. Such juxtapositions include so, for, etc. She likes to play football, so She spends too much time on it. Sentence structure: simple sentence + coordinate conjunction In the case of the and and the and and, the and, not only means and. . But also... , and then (then). He is not only an actor but also a famous writer. In the case of but, but, yet, however (however), however, etc. He has a high IQ. However, He didnt pass the examination. Examples: XiaoMing is young, ___________he can speak four foreign languages. A. the and B. the or C. but D. so Analytic: C. Xiao Ming is young, but he can speak four foreign languages. Its obviously a turning point. 2) My father works hard. A. so B. the if C. because D. the and Analytic: A. There is a clear causal relationship between these two simple sentences. 3 Care must be put in a cool place. The cake should be kept in a cool place or it will go bad. In this sentence, it is the choice of relation. Exercises to practice He helps me a


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