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There are three principal ways in which concrete is prestressed,namely,by tensioned wires fixed at their ends,by tensioned wires gripped by the concrete,and by applying an external load;experiments are also being made with expanding-cement concrete. 译文:预应力混凝土的浇注方式主要有三种,即,一种是通过将手拉钢筋的末端拧在一起,一种是通过用混凝土紧贴手拉钢筋,还有一种是通过应用一个外部的压力负荷,为此膨胀型水泥混凝土进行过试验。 翻译遇到的问题:namely不知道翻译成“也就是说”还是“即”,经过推敲,翻译成“即”更好。“gripp”不知道怎么翻。 End-anchored wires are used in long-span concrete beams. 译文:终端锚钢筋通常应用在大跨径混凝土梁中。 The reinforcement is separated from the surrounding concrete by a sheath or other wrapping which allows the wires to move freely during stressing. 译文:在这个凝固的过程中,通常用外壳或其他包裹材料将周围的混凝土隔开,这样就能使钢筋在受压过程中自由移动。 翻译遇到的问题:不太明白这句话啥意思。;The wires are anchored at the ends of the beam either by fixing to an anchor plate,or other devices such as wedging with concrete cones. 译文:钢筋要么和一块锚板拧在一起固定在梁的末端,要么和其他装置,比如混凝土锥楔在一起。 Since the steel is stressed after the concrete is cast and hardened this method of prestressing is known as post-tensioning. 译文:混凝土经过浇注,硬化之后,钢筋也随之被压紧的这种方法被称为后张法。 A disadvantage of this method is that the wires must be protected against corrosion by forcing cement grout into the sheath. 译文:这种方法的一个缺点就是钢筋一定要用外壳包好,防止被进入外壳的水泥浆腐蚀。 The grout provides protection against corrosion and also provides a bond between the wires and the sheath and thus with the concrete; 译文:水泥浆在防止腐蚀的同时,也扮演了钢筋和外壳之间的一种纽带作用,之后又扮演钢筋和混凝土之间的“中间人”的一个角色。 ;it also supplements the resistance of the wires to slip,without which the security of the wires would depend entirely on the permanence of the end anchorages. 译文:同时,也增加了防止钢筋滑动的阻力,因为钢筋的固定不是完全依靠端锚墩。 翻译遇到的问题:“the permanence of the end anchorages”不会翻。“ supplements”字面意思为“补充”,但是我们认为翻译成“增加”更合适。 With proper care these disadvantages do not involve serious risk. 译文:如果谨慎操作,这个缺点不会导致很大的危险。 The objection of allowing the wires to move while the prestress is being established is to make it possible to prestress the beam after most of the shrinkage of the concrete has taken place,and so reduce the lo


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