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导学案:Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.  第一课时 Section A 1a-Grammar Focus 【】1.掌握下列知识点:重点词汇:sure,used重点短语:①used to②wait a minute③play the piano④be interested in⑤on the swim team重点句型:①Mario,you used to be short,didnt you? ②Dont you remember me?语法:used to句式的用法 学会陈述自己过去常做的事。学会陈述自己过去的爱好等。能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、娱乐等方面的变化只有向后看才能理解生活;但要生活好,则必须向前看。 【学习重点】used to?【学习难点】:Talk about the past 【】Step1. 自主学习1、过去经常;以前常常_______2.on the swim team                 3.弹钢琴         4.wait a minute     5.对……感兴趣       Step2. 展示交流Talk about your past and learn 1a,then fill in the chart. 3.Listening. 1)Listen to 1b and fill in the blanks. 2)Listen to 2a and check the words you hear。 3。 精讲点拨一、重点单词与短语 1.I used to be afraid of the dark .1)dark n.adj. 黑色(的), 深色(的), 其反义词是2)be afraid of + n./ving 意为“害怕”例如:Don’t be afraid of_______ _______. 【拓展】 1) be afraid to do sth 意为“害怕去干谋事”He is afraid to_____ _____ ______ _____(在晚上去那儿)。 2) be afraid 后可跟that 意思是“恐怕”I’m afraid that ___________(不能和你一块去那儿)。 2. People sure change. 翻译本句:_________________________sure adv. 无疑,确实 【拓展】1) sure adj. 确信的,有把握的 be sure to do sth 一定干事 be sure of sth /doing sth 干事有把握,有信心例如:He is sure on time . He is sure of passing the exam.=He is sure that he ____ _____ ______ ______. 2) make sure 确保, 弄清楚, 弄明白确保that you get home before dark.. 3.But now I’m more interested in sports 。 be interested in 意为“对…感兴趣”, 介词in后常接名词或动式例如:Peter is interested in mths., but his sister is interested in___ ____(学习英语)。 . 【拓展】 interested为表语形容词,只做表语,不做定语. interesting 可做定语也可做表语We are________ in the ______film .(选择填空interesting,interested ) 5. Don’t you remember me ? remember v. 想起,记起 【拓展】 remember to do sth. 记得事( 还没做 )remember doing sth. 记得已干事( 已经做了 ) 例如:Remember mail) the letter for me . Do you remember ______(ask) the same question ? 6. lay the piano 弹钢琴 play与乐器类名词连用时,名词前要加定冠词the,而与球类名词连用时,名词前不要加定冠词the。 例如:play the violin拉小提琴;play soccer踢足球 她在四岁时学习弹钢琴。She learned to              at the age of four.二、重点句型与语法 句型 Mario,you used to be short


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