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The Loons ——Scenery Description (Para.39-40/Para.72-73) Para.39-40 At night the lake was like black glass with a streak of amber which was the path of the moon. All around, the spruce trees grew tall and close-set, branches blackly sharp against the sky, which was lightened by a cold flickering of stars. Then the loons began their calling. They rose like phantom birds from the nests on the shore, and flew out onto the dark still surface of the water.  夜间的湖面看起来像一块黑色玻璃,只有一线水面因映照着月光才呈现出琥珀色,湖的周围到处密密丛丛地生长着高大的云杉树,在寒光闪烁的星空映衬下,云杉树的枝桠呈现出清晰的黑色剪影。过了一会儿,潜水鸟开始呜叫。它们像幽灵般地从岸边的窝巢中腾起,飞往平静幽暗的湖面上。    No one can ever describe that ululating sound, the crying of the loons, and no one who has heard it can ever forget it. Plaintive , and yet with a quality of chilling mockery , those voices belonged to a world separated by aeons from our neat world of summer cottages and the lighted lamps of home. 潜水鸟的鸣声悲凉凄厉,任何人都无法形容,任何人听后也难以忘怀。那种悲凉之中又带着冷嘲的声调属于另外一个遥远的世界,那世界与我们这个有着避暑别墅和居家灯火的美好世界相隔不下亿万年之遥。 作者与父亲同游钻石湖 与父亲同游钻石湖时, 年幼的作者对客观世界的认识尚停留在表面, 缺乏对外界事物的感悟能力, 因而这部分景物描写以客观叙述她的所见所闻为主。难怪此时的她觉得潜水鸟的叫声与她有亿万年之遥, 而托勒妮的痛苦挣扎也可以让她视而不见, 麻木不仁。 Para.72-73 The small pier which my father had built was gone, and in its place there was a large and solid pier built by the government, for Galloping Mountain was now a national park, and Diamond Lake had been re-named Lake Wapakata, for it was felt that an Indian name would have a greater appeal to tourists. The one store had become several dozen, and the settlement had all the attributes of a flourishing resort--hotels, a dance-hall, cafes with neon signs, the penetrating odours of potato chips and hot dogs. Para72 我父亲筑起的那道防波堤不见了,代之而出现于眼前的是政府出资修筑的一道坚固的大堤。这是因为跑马山现已辟为国家公园,钻石湖也已更名为瓦帕卡塔湖,原因是认为用上一个印第安名称对游客会更具有吸引力。湖区原先只有一家商店,现在已发展到几十家了,一个繁荣兴旺的旅游胜地所具有的一切特征这里都已经有了——宾馆、舞厅、灯红酒绿的咖啡馆、四处弥漫着的炸土豆片和热狗的香味。 I sat on the government pier and looked out across the water. At night the lake at least was the same as it had always been, darkly shining and bearing within


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