小动物的小秘密:兔子爱吃胡萝卜 老鼠最爱吃奶酪?.doc

小动物的小秘密:兔子爱吃胡萝卜 老鼠最爱吃奶酪?.doc

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小动物的小秘密:兔子爱吃胡萝卜 老鼠最爱吃奶酪?

小动物的小秘密:兔子爱吃胡萝卜 老鼠最爱吃奶酪? Mother Birds Abandon Their Chicks if You Touch Them 妈妈告诉你如果你摸了刚生出来的小鸟,小鸟妈妈会不要它 First off, birds hardly use their noses; instead they rely on their eyes and ears. So no, they cant immediately sense when a baby has been?tainted?by human?stench. 首先,鸟类不太会用它们的鼻子,它们更多的是用眼镜和耳朵。所以它们不能立即判断自己的宝宝是不是带上了人类的味道。 Second, birds dont really care if humans touch their chicks or not. While touching a bird when it is learning to fly can be?detrimental?to its ability to fly, it doesnt stop mother birds from feeding or caring for their chicks. Theyre still bonded to them through good and bad, just like your parents are with you. 第二,鸟类也不是真的那么在乎人类有没有碰过它们的孩子。去碰一直正在学飞的小鸟会对它的飞行能力有负面影响,这不会让母鸟放弃抚养自己的小鸟。不管怎样,母鸟都会照顾自己的孩子,就像你的父母对你那样。 Cut an?Earthworm?in Half, You Get Two?Worms 把蚯蚓弄断,你就可以得到两条 Try this. Buy yourself a cow. Now sever the cow straight down the middle. How many cows do you now have? Did each half grow a new half cow? 你可以试试买一头牛,然后把这头牛拦腰截开。你会得到几头牛呢?被你截断的两部分会不会长出新的另外一半部分来呢? If you think were being silly by picking such a completely different animal, fine. Try it with a fly, or a cockroach. Because earthworms are as biologically complex as any insect. They, too, have heads and tails and entire systems for eating and?metabolizing?food. They have brains, and hearts, the whole bit. 如果你觉得拿牛这样比蚯蚓构造复杂得多的动物来打比方很傻的话,你可以用苍蝇或者蟑螂试试。因为蚯蚓和其他昆虫一样有着一套完整的生物学构造。他们也有头有尾,也有一整套消化系统。它们也有脑部、心脏等整套器官。 So the idea that if you cut the head off, the ass end of the worm will just grow a new head is just as insane as thinking a cow or a dog can do it. 所以认为把蚯蚓切断,蚯蚓能自己再生出个头和尾的想法跟觉得牛和狗能做到这样的事情一样不切实际。 Rabbits Eat Carrots, Mice Love Cheese 兔子爱吃胡萝卜,老鼠爱吃奶酪 Cartoons have been hard on the worlds pet rabbits. You can tell because every single website about rabbits, and rabbit breeders, and rabbit feeding all have to carry this warning: If you try to feed a rabbit nothing but carrots, it will die. Its like giving a human nothing but cotton candy. If your rabbit happens to like carrots, you have to careful


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