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Contents Page No. Foreword i Glossary I. Securities, Futures and Financial Terms 1 II. Relevant Organizations 753 III. Job Titles of Directorate Staff in the Securities and Futures Commission 785 IV. Securities and Finance related Legislation, Codes and Guidelines 789 V. Defined Terms under the Securities and Futures Ordinance 803 Bibliography 813 FOREWORD TO THE SECOND EDITION In the four years since the first edition of the Glossary was published, the landscape of the securities markets has changed locally and internationally. In Hong Kong, a landmark piece of legislation, the Securities and Futures Ordinance, effective as from 1 April 2003, was enacted last year after more than a decade’s preparation. The mainland securities markets continue to gain in size and depth. The first edition was widely welcomed by English and Chinese users in the securities industry. Amidst the changing landscape, the Commission seeks to produce an updated and expanded version of the Glossary to help investors and market practitioners keep abreast with changing vocabulary and terminology. We hope the revised edition will prove as useful to all intermediaries, investors and market participants. As in the first edition, entries have been drawn from all areas of work within the Commission. In all, Chinese translations commonly used in Greater China were collected for more than 13,800


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