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# 350# - 2009 12 26 6 # # 2 1 2 2 , , [ ] 2 均系成年男性, 年龄分别为 38岁, 42岁因长期右手持鼠标上网 2 个月和 7 个月, 在大小鱼 际及腕横纹摩擦处发生融合性红斑, 上覆较厚鳞屑, 裂隙鳞屑直接镜检有菌丝及孢子临床诊断: 特殊手癣 经口服伊曲康唑胶囊 200 mg, 2次 /d, 局部外涂盐酸布替奈芬乳膏 2次/d, 共7 天, 达到临床治愈 [] 持鼠标; 特殊手癣 [] R 756. 3 [] B [] 1001- 8007( 2009) 06- 0350- 02 Tw o Case s of T in ea M anu s O ccu rred on F ric tion Site ofM ouse Lon g- term H olders LIU H an- ing, TANG J in, HUANG X iao-xia ( 1D ep ar tm ent of D erma to logy, H anzhong CentralH osp ital, H anzhong 723000, Ch ina; 2D ep artm ent of L a boratory, H anzhong CentralH osp i- tal, H anzhong 723000, Ch ina ) A bstrac t: Tw o cases of adultm ales, 38 and 42 years old, resentedw ith fusing red laque w ith thick scale and fissure in thenar, hy- othenar andw rist band friction due to the long holding the mouse ad for two to seven months. M icrosco ic exam ination showed the hy ha and s ore. C lin ical d iagnos is of S ecial TineaM anusw erem ade. After tak ing orally itraconazole ca su le even 200mg, 2 tmi es daily and to -i cal the butenafine hydroch loride cream 2 tmi es daily for 7days, lesions disa eared. K ey w ord s: H olding the mouse; T inea m anus 200 mg, 2 /d, 2 /d 7, , , 1 ( 2, 3) 1, 42, 2 2, 38, , , 8~ 9 h2 7, 17 5, , , 1 3 1, , , , , (), , , 1, , , 1, : , : , , , , , , , Aus itz( - ) , ( 3, Aus itze( - ) , , 3) ( 1, 3) 2. 0 cm @ 2. 5 cm : ( , ) 1 2 : ()


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