IntelliGender使用说明 中英文.pdf

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IntelliGender使用说明 中英文

IntelliGender’s Gender Prediction Test is an simple-to-use urine test that provides immediate gender results in the privacy and comfort of the home. In minutes, the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test indicates your gender result based upon an easy to read color match. Green indicates boy and orange indicates girl! When can I use it? As early as 10 weeks into your pregnancy (8 weeks post- conception)! Most women find out the sex of their baby at their 20-week sonogram as long as Baby chooses to cooperate. IntelliGender bridges the curiosity gap between conception and sonogram. IntelliGenders Gender Prediction Test™ is a simple urine analysis similar to the pregnancy test you took a few weeks ago. It uses first morning urine and a proprietary mix of chemicals which reacts with a combination of hormones to indicate the gender of your baby. It can be performed as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy (six weeks from the first day of the missed period). It is an easy test to perform and provides quick results in- home so the news can be shared right away. IntelliGender reminds all pregnant moms that seeing an obstetrician early in the pregnancy is critical for the health of the mother and the baby and should follow the advice of their physician. You simply collect first morning urine and insert into the test vessel. Swirl rapidly in a circular motion, place the test on a flat white surface undisturbed for minutes. Below are examples of test results: IntelliGender 測試 IntelliGender 测试是一个类似简单的尿液分析。它使用的是早晨第一次的尿液, 混合其中的化学物质发生反 应,根据荷尔蒙的反应从而显示出怀孕女性体内宝宝的性别。最早的测试期是在怀孕 10 周(或停经6 周), 这是一个能够提供快速结果的简单测试,所以家里就可以分享到宝宝性别的消息了。 用前注意事项: 1.测试时间为怀孕第十周(或停经六周)后直至第三十四周,时间相隔越长,测试颜色越明显。 2.测试前48 小时内不能进行性活动,否则会影响检测结果。 3.在您开始前请轻轻敲打测试杯底部以确保反应物都在试瓶底部。 4.尿液导入试瓶后,测试瓶沿同一方向转动 10 秒后(请注意,是尽量水平地快速转动——象呼啦圈转动那 样,而不要上下或者左右摇晃),然后放在一张平整白纸上静置数分钟 (约5 分钟),等待反应颜色的出现。 注意:  如患有多囊卵巢综合症,则测试结果总是显示“男性”。  如果在服用黄体酮(黄体激素Progesterone)建议需要在停止服用黄体酮激素药物至少 10 天 后,再做本产品的胎儿性别测试才会准确。 使


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