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Human Swine Influenza (HSI) (Influenza A (H1N1)) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (as at 3.11.09) (The FAQ will be reviewed and updated from time to time) 人類豬型流感(甲型流感 (H1N1)) – 常見問題 (3.11.09 更新) (常見問題會經常檢討及更新) Training and Infection Control Training 培訓及感染控制培訓 Q1 Can management training continue? A1 All clinical and non-clinical training will be resumed. Q1 有關管理的培訓可否繼續? A1 所有醫療培訓及非醫療培訓將會繼續。 Q2 Will clinical placement / attachment program and summer internship program be suspended? A2 No, all these activities will continue. Q2 臨牀/見習計劃及暑期實習計劃會否暫停? A2 不會,以上的活動將繼續進行。 Q3 I understand that all staff must have received infection control training within the last 18 months, I could not recall when was the last time I attended such training. What should I do? A3 You should attend the earliest available infection control training. Q3 我了解所有職員應在過去 18 個月內接受了感染控制培訓,但我記不起上次出席 培訓的日期,我應怎樣辦? A3 你應儘快出席有關感染控制培訓。 Q4 I am very busy at work and have no time to attend infection control training. Could I attend the training later? A4 Infection control is an essential part of patient management. All staff should ensure that they receive infection control training within the last18 months to acquire the basic/fundamental knowledge and to equip themselves with the latest update on infection control and infectious disease management. Q4 我的工作非常繁忙,並沒有時間出席感染控制培訓。 我可否遲些才接受感染控 制訓練? A4 感染控制是處理病人的一個重要環節。所有員工應在過去 18 個月內接受感染控 制培訓,以獲取基本知識、最新的感染控制和傳染疾病管理資訊。 Q5 Who should I contact for information on infection control training? A5 You should approach the local infection control staff. Q5 我想參加有關感染控制訓練課程,應與誰聯絡? A5 你可聯絡各聯網/醫院的感染控制組的同事。 Swine Fl


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