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生态与农村环境学报  2009 , 25 ( 1) : 92 - 95   J ou rna l of E cology and R u ra l E nvironm en t 上海居住区植物群落的降温增湿效应 1, 2 1 1 1 2 ① 秦  俊 , 王丽勉 , 胡永红 , 张明丽 , 由文辉  ( 1. 上海植物园科研中心 ,上海  20023 1; 2. 华东师范大学资源与环 境科学学院 ,上海  200062) 摘要 : 对上海居住区常见的 23种植物群落的降温增湿效应进行观测的结果表明 ,所有植物群落都有降温增湿作 用 ,且群落间降温增湿效应差异较大 。各群落的降温增湿效应在 13 ∶00—14 ∶00 最强 ,与草坪之间的差异达到最 大 ;在 16 0∶0—17 0∶0,各群落间降温增湿效应差异小 , 18%的植物群落降温效应低于草坪 , 45%的植物群落增湿效 应低于草坪 。针叶林 、针阔混交林和竹林的降温增湿效应最强 , 日均降温效应 2. 3 ℃, 日均增湿效应 12. 4 % 。 关键词 : 居住区; 植物群落 ; 降温 ; 增湿 ; 郁闭度 中图分类号 : S68  文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 1673 - 4831 (2009) 0 1 - 0092 - 04 Effect of Plan t Comm un ity on Tem pera ture L ower in g an d Hum id ity Increa sing in Residen tia l A rea s of Shan gha i. 1, 2 1 1 1 2 ( Q I N J un , WAN G L im ian , HU Yong hong , ZHAN G M ing li , YOU W en hu i 1. R esearch Center of Shanghai Botan ic Garden, Shanghai 20023 1, Ch ina; 2. School of R esou rce s and Environm ent Science, Ea st Ch ina Norm al U n iversity, Shang hai 200062 , Ch ina) A b stract: Ob servation of effects of 23 differen t typ e s of p lant comm un itie s common ly found in the re siden tial area s of Shanghai on temp erature and hum idity revealed that all p lant commun itie s, regardless of typ e, cou ld lower temp erature and increa se hum idity in the re sidential areas, but their effects varied sign ifican tly. The effects were the h ighe st and differed the mo st sharp ly from that of lawn s during 13: 00 - 14: 00 , wh ile du ring 16: 00 - 17: 00, the effects differed sligh tly. About 18% of the p lan t comm un itie s were lower than lawn s in temp eraturelowering effect an


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