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社區景點介紹 社區名稱 南投縣鹿谷鄉溪頭 景點介紹(中文) 溪頭是台灣一處地名,位於南投縣鹿谷鄉,依柯本氣候分類法是屬於中部山地溫暖溼潤氣候,名稱由來是此地於鹿谷鄉境內北勢溪之源頭,因而得名。 日治時期,溪頭由東京帝國大學農業部所屬,做為實地勘察、學術研究、育植造林等諸項活動,二戰後,交由國立臺灣大學農學院之用,現為國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院管理的實驗林之一,範圍介在陳有蘭溪之東,清水溪之西,橫跨竹山、信義以及鹿谷三鄉鎮,並分設六處林區,其中溪頭自然教育園區便是臺灣大學所轄溪頭營林區。 溪頭於日治時期並無公路交通,在二戰後才闢建延溪公路,做為溪頭通往鹿谷的主要道路,並且縱貫整個鹿谷鄉的縣道,沿路景觀多為竹林,透過這條公路,可向南往杉林溪、青龍瀑布、溪阿縱走等景點。溪頭身處於阿里山山脈前端鳳凰稜脈,其林相分布有柳杉、台灣杉、檜木、櫸木、楠木、銀杏等樹種,擁有豐富生態林貌。 景點介紹(英文) Hsitou a place names in Nantou, according to K?ppen climate classification are warm and humid climate of the central mountains, the origin of the name is here in Lugu Township the territory Beishih Creek source, hence the name. Japanese colonial period, Chitou from Tokyo Imperial University of Agriculture Ministry, as of field surveys, academic research, education and planting afforestation activities, World War II, referred to the use of the National Taiwan University College of Agriculture, is now the National Taiwan University of biological resources cum one of Agronomy experimental Forest management referral range in Chenyoulan River east of the West of the Chingshui across Chushan, Lutheran, and Deer Valley township, and is divided into six forest areas, where the the Hsitou Nature Park is University under the jurisdiction of the in Xitou camp forest area. Chitou in the Japanese colonial period, there is no road traffic, in World War II, after Provisioning extension Creek Highway, as Chitou leading to Deer Valleys main road, and runs through the entire Lugu Township County Road along the landscape with bamboo, through this Highway, south to Sun Link Sea Dragon Falls Creek A vertical walking and other attractions. Hsitou living in the mountains of Alishan the front Phoenix Prism pulse, forest distribution the cryptomeria, Taiwan fir, cypress, beech, Phoebe, ginkgo species, with the rich ecological Lin Maung. 地理位置(地圖) 交通資訊 開車到 溪頭 的路線指示 3D2D 406台中市北屯區更生巷 1. 往東南走更生巷朝松竹路三段前進 2. 請於松竹路三段向左轉 3. 請於環中路一段向左轉 4. 請於東西向快速公路彰濱台中線/?台74線向左微轉 5. 在快官交流道出口下交流道,朝南/?北/?


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