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企业竞争战略分析报告 ——如家快捷酒店 中英文摘要及关键词 摘要:随着人类的进步、社会经济的发展,科学文化、技术和交通的发达而发展起来的。现代社会经济的发展,带来了世界旅游、商务的兴旺,酒店业也随之迅速发展起来,而且是越来越豪华、越来越现代化。 2009年,国际金融危机和甲型H1N1流感的打击,一度让高星级酒店的出租率饱受打击,但随着一系列营销措施的出台,高星级酒店又呈现出回暖的趋势;2009年经济型酒店成资本“新贵”,7天酒店的上市、诸多经济型酒店品牌的扩张在重塑着行业格局。酒店业应顺应国家扩大内需的号召,各大酒店尤其是高档酒店,应调整客源结构,瞄准内需市场,以度过危机。应缩减开支、降低成本,练好内功。酒店消费需求有一定的刚性,总有一部分人得住酒店,所以应抓牢商务市场,开发散客旅游市场。从长远来看,酒店业的发展前景依然是光明的。 本文选取如家酒店集团作为具体实例,主要分析如家酒店集团的外部环境,重点分析酒店行业的现状,运用波特五力模型对竟争结构进行了分析。对酒店的内部条件进行深入分析,最后运用SWOT分析方法提供了四种可供选择的战略,即SO战略、ST战略、WO战略、WT战略。对如家酒店进行了战略分析与选择,旨在选定使公司能够的实现目标的最佳行动方案。 关键字:如家快捷酒店 竞争战略 Abstract: along with the progress of human beings, and the development of social economy, science and technology and culture developed traffic. Modern social economic development, the prosperity of tourism, business, hotel and developed rapidly, and is increasingly luxurious, more and more modern. 2009, international financial crisis and influenza pandemic, once H1N1 high star hotel occupancy to suffer, but with a series of marketing measures of high star-rated hotels, and warmed trend, 2009 economy hotel into capital , 7 days upper-class market, many of the hotel brands in the hotel industry pattern remolding the expansion. Hotel should conform to the state to expand domestic demand, the hotel especially high-grade hotels, should be adjusted market structure, aimed at domestic market, in the crisis. Should cut costs, reduce cost, practices. Hotels have rigid consumption demand, there are always a few people lived hotel, so should hold business market, develop F.I.T travel market. In the long run, the development of the industry is still bright prospects. The selection of a specific instance family-like hotel group, mainly analyzed the external environment and family-like hotel group, the key pointsThe hotel industry, chromatography with five competitive forces model for competitive structure is analyzed. The internal condition of hotel analysis of SWOT analysis, and finally provides four alternative strategy, which


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