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我国电子商务信用评价分析 摘 要 随着互联网迅速发展,出现了新的网上购物模式,特别是对于网络交易真实性的怀疑给电子商务的发展了阻碍引入第三方电子商务平台及电子商务进行监管势在必行。Analysis of Chinas e-commerce credit evaluation Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, the emergence of a new online shopping patterns, this shopping patterns will gradually replace the traditional shopping patterns. But online shopping patterns also doubts for consumers, especially consumers for network transactions suspected of authenticity to the development of e-commerce has caused tremendous obstacles. Therefore, the introduction of third-party e-commerce platform, and the introduction of sound laws and regulations regulate e-commerce business is imperative to improve the e-business enterprise credit evaluation mode. This article first start to understand the development status of Chinas e-commerce from e-commerce credit evaluation and development. Secondly, on the problem of e-commerce credit evaluation carried them out to analyze the cause of the problem of the existence of those aspects of the development of Chinas e-commerce businesses. Finally, the corresponding countermeasures for the problems in Chinas e-commerce credit evaluation mode, to promote e-commerce platform stable, healthy and rapid development. Key words: e-commerce; credit evaluation; problems; countermeasures Paper type: application research 目录 1绪论 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.2 研究意义 1 2 相关理论 3 2.1 电子商务及信用的概念 3 2.1.1 电子商务的定义 3 2.1.2 信用的定义及信用模式 3 2.2 电子商务企业信用评价体系及现状 4 2.2.1 我国电子商务信用现状 4 2.2.2 我国电子商务信用体系的建设和发展 4 2.2.3 评价方法及意义 5 3我国电子商务信用评价模式中存在的问题 6 3.1 电子商务信用评价体系不健全 6 3.1.1 买卖双方信用缺失交易信用风险大 6 3.1.2 信用评价方法不规范数据无法共享 6 3.1.3 消费者安全与诚信意识薄弱 6 3.2 网络安全性比较低 7 3.2.1 电子商务发展滞后网络安全评价低 7 3.2.2 客户信息遭泄露 7 3.3 缺乏相关的法律、法规 7 3.3.1 电子商务交易合同不规范 7 3.3.2 网购买卖双方地位不对等 8 3.3.3 网络欺诈行为严重 8 4 完善我国电子商务信用评价的对策 9 4.1 完善电子商务信用评价体系 9 4.1.1 提高买卖双方信用意识降低交易风险 9 4.1.2 规范信用评价方法完成数据共享 9 4.1.3 建立第三方资信机构认证和信用评价体系 10 4.2 提高电子商务网络安全等级 11 4.2.1 加强政府监管提倡第三方在线支付 11 4.2.2 规范交易市场及信息安全 11 4.3 完善相应法律、法规制度 12 4.3.1 规范电子商务交易合同 12 4.3.2 推动电子商务法律和政策体


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