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氧化应激水平,逆转由氧化应激信号转导通路激活的转录因子叉头框蛋白-1 (FOXO1 )导致的抑制葡萄糖代谢作用,改善胰岛β细胞吸收利用葡萄糖 的功能,可能有助于促进胰岛β细胞的葡萄糖刺激后胰岛素分泌反应 (GSIS )恢复。 关键词:罗汉果甜苷;胰岛素分泌细胞;氧化应激;损伤;代谢 2 Effects of Mogroside on Oxidative Stress and Related Damage of Pancreatic Islet β Cell Induced by Palmitic Acid ABSTRACT Objective: Oxidative stress and related damage of pancreatic islet β cell is an important part of pathogenesis mechanism of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Insulin resistance resulted elevation of serum free fatty acid and triglyceride level. Free fatty acid above normal physiological level induces reactive oxygen species build up and oxidative stress in pancreatic islet β cell through many metabolism pathways. These result in activation of signal transduction pathways related with oxidative stress reactions, reducing glucose metabolism and insulin secretion of pancreatic islet β cell, even promoting cell death. Using palmitic acid treated NIT-1 insulin secreting cell as model of pancreatic islet β cell oxidative stress related damage under influence of high lipid environment, we study effects and mechanism of action on oxidative stress related damage of mogroside, which has antioxidant and blood glucose control activities proven on animal diabetes model. Methods: Mouse insulinoma cell line NIT-1 cells were cultivated in culture media contain palmitic acid, and treated with mogroside. Cell apoptosis ratio and content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) were inspected by flow cytometry, Expressions of Glucose Transporter-2 (GLUT2) and pyruvate kinase were 3 examined by semi-quantitate reverse transcript PCR assay. Results: Compare with palmitic acid treated group, mogroside scavenged excessive ROS and lowered its concentration significantly (P0.05), and expressions of GLUT2 and pyruvate kinase are increased (P0


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