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毕业设计题目 基于FX2N及组态王的气动机械手监控
学 生 姓 名 ***
所 在 学 院 **学院
专业及班级 测控技术与仪器
指 导 教 师 ***
完 成 日 期 年 月 日
摘 要
本毕业设计任务主要通过PLC完成对一个5自由度的机械手模型控制,使其完成一系列的生产动作过程,并使用组态王软件对机械手进行监控,将机械手的动作过程进行了动画显示yntron 42BYG250C步进电机及其驱动器、传感器、光电编码器、气动元件等组成,可实现机械手的上下移动、左右移动、底盘旋转及手爪旋转、抓放等动作。主要采用了步进顺序控制及步进控制技术。涵盖了可编程控制技术,位置控制技术、检测技术等,是机电一体化的典型代表。
【关键词】: 机械手 PLC 滚珠丝杠 步进控制
In industrial production and other domains, something like high temperature, corrosion and poisonous gas appear at workplace, which would increased workers labor intensity and even endangers their health. With manipulator used, those difficult problems can be easily solved. Hand operation can be replaced by manipulator operation, because it can grab, put, move objects flexibly and changefully. So it can be applied to transform the production of variety of medium and small-volume automated production.
The task of the graduation design is to control a mechanical hand model with 5 degrees of freedom by PLC, and use it to complete a series of actions. The KINGVING
is used to monitor the mechanical hand, and change its movement into animations. The system(model: TVT-99D) I used is composed by MITSUBISHIS FX2N-MT PLC, mechanical hand(ball screw, slide rail), Syntron 42BYG250C step motor and its driver module, sensor, photoelectric encoder ,pneumatic component and so on. It controls manipulator move vertically or horizontally, chassis or paw rotate, pack-and-place. The design mainly uses stepping sequence control and stepping control technology. The process covers programmable control technology, position control technology, dete