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摘 要 随着人民生活质量日益提高,饮料新品种层出不穷。一直以来,固体饮料因品种多样、风味独特而备受消费者青睐尤其是,可以及时补充人体代谢所需营养,更成为了许加糖量确定经多次调配后,得出最佳配方: Abstract With the continuous improvement of living standards, the number of new drinks species is huge. The powdered drink has many advantages such as abundant kinds and special tastes which makes them popular. Among all kinds of powdered drink ,the compound type is more widely known. It could provide people with nutrition for metabolism that makes it become the indispensable daily necessaries. This article took red dates and ginger as main materials to study the technology of red dates and ginger powdered drink, including the way to remove the peel, the choices of time and temperature in digestion, the proportion of red dates and ginger, sugar and citric acid amount, the requirement of homogeneity and spray drying, etc. After several repeated tests, here is the result. The optimum recipe: red dates and ginger in the ratio of 4:1, sugar amount is 7.5%, citric acid amount is 0.25%, the stabilizer CMC-Na is 1.5%, maltodextrin is 85%. The red dates and ginger powdered drink finished product was light pink, powdered without any obvious impurities. It had good red date and ginger tastes. In the product, sugar degree is 10%, acid degree is 0.5%, protein is 0.7%, lipid is 0.83%, total solid particulate is 12.9%. Keywords: Red dates; Ginger; Powdered drink 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 前 言 1 第一章 文献综述 2 1.1 红 枣 2 1.1.1红枣的化学成分 2 1.1.2 红枣的生理功能 3 1.1.3 红枣的营养价值和药用价值 4 1.1.4 红枣的食用禁忌 4 1.2 生 姜 4 1.2.1 生姜的化学成分[7] 5 1.2.2生姜的功能活性因子 5 1.2.3生姜的生理功能[8] 6 1.2.4生姜的营养价值以及药用价值 6 1.2.5生姜的食用禁忌 6 1.3红枣、生姜固体饮料 7 1.3.1红枣、生姜固体饮料的生产技术及加工要点 7 1.3.2我国固体饮料的开发现状 7 1.3.3我国固体饮料行业的发展趋势 8 第二章 实验部分 9 2.1实验材料 9 2.1.1实验原材料 9 2.1.2实验试剂 9 2.1.3实验仪器与设备 9 2.2工艺流程与实验操作要点 10 2.2.1红枣、生姜固体饮料的生产工艺流程 10 2.2.2红枣汁的制备实验操作要点 10 2.2.3生姜汁的制备实验操作要点 11 2.2.4配 方 11 2.2.5添加剂的调配 12 2.2.6均 质 12 2.2.7喷雾干燥 12 2.2.8包 装 13 2.3基本指标的测定 13 2.3.1 Vc含量的测定 13 2.3.2总糖的测定 13 2.3.3总酸的测定 14 2.3.4蛋白质含量的测定 14 2.3.5脂类含量的测定 14 2.3.6可溶性固形物含量的测定 14 2.3.7


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