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毕业设计报告(论文) 题目: 所属系 专 业 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 起讫日期 设计地点 毕业设计报告(论文)诚信承诺 本人承诺所呈交的毕业设计报告(论文)及取得的成果是在导师指导下完成,引用他人成果的部分均已列出参考文献。如论文涉及任何知识产权纠纷,本人承担一切责任。 学生签名: 日 期: 教师在线批改作业系统 摘要 系统是实用性。,,是现代的工具。 本系统采用语言和数据库,关键词:SP MySql;数据库;用户;功能 Teachers Online correcting homework system Abstract As we all know, the traditional paper-based office model, and the need to achieve by human transmission. In recent decades, the rapid development of information technology, the information revolution continue to impact the traditional office model can not meet the need for high efficiency, fast-paced modern work and life. Office automation and gradually get peoples attention and recognition. OA (Office Automation, referred to as OA) is a modern office and computer network functions to combine a new way of office, the new technology revolution is currently a very active and has a strong vitality of the technology applications, is information society product. Through the network, the internal organization can span time and place to work. By switching network application implemented office automation system, making the transmission of information more quickly, thus greatly expanding the office means to achieve office efficiency. Teachers Online correcting homework system is practicability of teachers and students in the various schools of common use. This system ended the traditional manual management mode, to a certain extent, greatly enhance the work efficiency, but also significant cost savings, but also so that the teacher correcting student work to achieve a real-time. This saves the teachers and students time and energy, but also improve the efficiency of teachers, modern school teachers job correcting an indispensable tool. The system uses a JSP language and MySql datab


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