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智能农业监测系统设计 摘 要 在科技高速发展的今天,传统的农业生产方式已经渐渐跟不上快速发展的经济需求。人们利用先进现代化科技创造了温室大棚、作物杂交、无土栽培、太空育种等众多现代化农业种植技术。但这些先进的农业生产方式大多数都是投入成本高,操作技术复杂,对操作人员的素质要求很高,从而难以使普通的农民用户运用上这些先进农业生产技术。 920T架构的DHT11(温湿度监测、MH-410D5(二氧化碳传感器)、MQ-2(烟雾监测传感器)、TSL2561(光照强度传感器)等传感器作为系统的环境监测模块,用RS485串口作为系统远程通信接口,用P35触摸屏作为系统人机交互窗口。本系统的最终实现效果为能够对温室内温湿度、光照强度、CO?浓度实时监测,且能将监测数据在当其中的某项指标达到预设值时系统能立马做出信息反馈,调动其他设备及时对温室环境做出调控。最后系统还能够进行远程控制和检测温室内烟雾与可燃性气体的浓度,做到遇火灾报警功能。整个系统具有简单易用、成本低廉、智能化程度高、可靠性高等特点,非常适合普通农民大众使用。 DESIGN OF INTELLIGENT AGRICULTURAL MONITORING SYSTEM ABSTRACT In todays rapid development of science and technology, the traditional mode of agricultural production has gradually failed to keep pace with rapid economic development needs.So people use advanced science and technology created the greenhouses, soilless cultivation technology, space breeding, and many other modern agricultural cultivation techniques.But most of these advanced agricultural mode of production is high cost, complex operation technology, high quality requirements for operator, user is difficult to make ordinary farmers use these advanced agricultural production technology. This topic aims to design a suitable for the use of intelligent monitor and control system for agricultural ordinary farmers, the intelligent monitoring system is mainly used in agricultural greenhouses in agricultural production.It is mainly based on the embedded system design, with samsung S3C2440 chip as a system of master control chip, using DHT11 (temperature and humidity monitoring), MH – 410D5 (carbon dioxide sensor), MQ - 2 (smoke monitoring sensor), TSL2561 (such as light intensity sensor) sensor as a system of environmental monitoring module, the remote communication interface using RS485 serial port as a system, use P35 touch screen as human-computer interaction system window.Finally realizes the effect of this system is able to greenhouse humidity, temperature, light intensity and CO? concentration in real-time monitoring, and can monitor data on P35 screen


zhaoqian1987 + 关注


