牛津上海版英语七下Module 2《Unit 2 Going to see a film》重难点讲解.docVIP

牛津上海版英语七下Module 2《Unit 2 Going to see a film》重难点讲解.doc

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Module 2 Garden City and its neighbours 一. 本周教学内容: Unit 2 Going to see a film ? 【重点词汇】 action动作??????????? adventure冒险???????????????????? avenue道路;大街?????? cowboy牛仔 drive 大道??????????? duration持续的时间??????????? enemy敌人????????????????? full of充满 hold on别挂断电话???????????? lane小巷?????????????? Monkey King 美猴王??? last持续 moment片刻;时刻??????????? Mc Donald’s 麦当劳???????????????????????????????? prince王子 princess公主??????? ?????? show演出;节目 ? 【重点短语】 1. talk on the telephone? 在电话上谈话 2. hold on? 别挂断 3. in a moment 片刻 4. quite a lot of interesting films? 很多有趣的电影 5. this kind of film 这种电影 6. be on at one cinema 在一家影院上映 7. see a cartoon 看卡通片 8. full of 充满 9. miss this cartoon 错过这个卡通片 10. a story about 一个关于……的故事 11. decide to see 决定去看 12. violin lesson 小提琴课 13. dinner with Mr Guo 和郭先生一起吃饭 14. piano lesson 钢琴课 15. last for 持续 16. walk there? 走到那 17. turn right 向右转 18. walk along 沿着……走 19. on your right 在你的右侧 20. tell each other 互相讲述 21. get to 到达 22. walk to City Cinema 走着去城市电影院 23. get there 到那 24. come with you 和你一起来 25. of course 当然 26. go to…for… 为……而去哪 27. after the film on 在电影上映后 28. go to a book shop 去书店 29. go home 回家 30. look at the map看地图 ? 【重点句子】 1. Which film would you like to see this Saturday? 这周六想看什么电影? 2. Which films can we see this weekend? 这周末我们能看什么电影? 3. Kitty and Peter are going to see a film this Saturday. 凯蒂和彼得打算这周六去看电影。 4. May I speak to Kitty Li, please? 我可以和李凯蒂通话吗? 5. Have you got a newspaper? 你有报纸吗? 6. I’ll be back in a moment] 我一会就回来。 7. What’s it about? 它是关于什么的? 8. There’s a film on at one cinema called “space war”. 这有个叫“太空大战”的电影在上映。 9. I’d rather see a cartoon. 我宁可看卡通片。 10. May I speak to Peter? 我可以和彼得说话吗? 11. So would I.???? 我也是。 12. Neither do I.??? 我也不。 13. Turn left and walk along sea Avenue. 向左转沿着海洋路走。 14. Turn right into Flower Road. 向右转入花朵路。 15. Which show can they see? 他们能看哪一场? ? 【相关语法链接】 (一)问路与指路 1. 问路的方法 (1)How can I get to City Cinema? (2)Which is the way to City Cinema? (3)Could you tell me the way to City Cinema? (4)Where is the nearest cinem



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