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美国小孩子如何学英语 To share a key to share QQ space sina weibo baidu search hidden renren tencent weibo baidu album kaixin tencent friend baidu post bar douban sohu weibo baidu new QQ friends home page with dispatch weibo more... Baidus share 390714640 secondary | I know | Mobile phone know | DMS | Baidu homepage my home page is set to exit My question was asked by me The news website post knows music image video map library experience questions Baidu knows education/science for the English test How do American schoolchildren learn English Speaker: swallowxjy1314 | browsing: 1,760 times Ill answer for him Satisfied answer the 2010-09-16 22:46 I understand American school education form is entirely by his sons school. He began to enter the United States from the second grade when school, by the end of third grade was completely keep up with the schedule, and achieved straight A grades, also entered the Quest of the school program (learn more challenges knowledge). In the third grade when also represent the school in the Vocabulary of this Bowl (Vocabulary contest). He is now reading level (speed and comprehension) has gone beyond the grade level. Such A huge harry potter books have been read the four books. Im surprised how the progress of the son to learn A language. He is smart but is by no means Chile supernormal. Why he can in such A short time can learn better than we learned English for more than ten years at home is better? Im sure youll answer the question in a second: he has a language environment. I totally agree. But what is the language environment? Will he be able to learn English well in America or Britain? Is it as if all Chinese speak and write in the same language? 所以并不是只要在是在英语国家你的英语水平就一定能提高. 通过对儿子学习的观察,我认为这里的语言学习环境在两大方面本质区别于国内的英语学习: 学什麽和怎麽学. 国内英语学习林林总总的问题大体可归纳为我们学习的内容和学习的方式存在问题.我在以前的文章中提到过,美国的小学生在学习拼写的时侯,是围绕读音来学习的,也就是以pronunciation 为中心学习 spelling. 这很符合英语是表音文字的特点. 而我们中国人在学习英语的时侯,恰恰忽视了这一重要原则,所以感觉在记忆单词的过程中非常费力. 打个比方我们汉语,如果你学会了包字,你可能就很容易学会写跑泡抱跑炮饱,如果你再知道了三点水


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