哈佛幸福课 课件 Shawn Humor Lecture.ppt

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Positive Psychology: The Science of Humor Working Definition Humor is a way of mindfully perceiving the world, analogous to optimism, where an individual heightens awareness of potentials in a situation. Outline I. Psychology of humor II. Mental and Physical Benefits III. Positive Social Benefits IIII. Pragmatic steps IIIII. The greatest power of humor What just happened? rhythmic, vocalized, expiratory and involuntary actions 15 facial muscles contract Zygomatic major muscle raises lip Epiglottis half-closes the larynx Blood pressure lowered Increase in vascular blood flow Flexed abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. How We Study Changes Us 97 to 3 ratio of negative to humor research “Depression” 125,089 articles “Humor” 4,943 “Steven Colbert” (no results found) Medical School Syndrome Why talk about humor? Definitional problems Dead Frog Problem Genetics vs. Environment The Psychology of Funny Freud: Humor as “psychological release” Jokes and Their Relationship to the Unconscious “Social acceptable envelope of id desires” Henri Bergson Humor as social “corrective” The Dale Sturtevant Theory Dale Sturtevant Achor: Humor as mindful lens Social rule breaking Humor = shift in evaluative stance Counterfactuals Positive spin: Alpha vs Beta Press Alpha press- objective constraints of reality Beta press– subjective construal of reality Mindfulness of potentialities The Tetris Effect Humor as cognitive afterimage (Achor, 2007) Humor as transformative lens Transcending the status quo (Berger) Relationship to Peak Experiences (Maslow) Momentarily take on self-actualization Ordinary becomes extraordinary (the Office) Ordinary Transformed Part III: The Physical and Mental Benefits of Humor Sympathetic Nervous System The Soprano Effect (Achor, 2006) The Biology of Laughter Laughter as medicine and exercise Increases in T-cells (immune system) Gamma-interferon (disease fighting protein) B-cells (makes antibodies) Laughter decreases


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