
国际贸易实务第一课 导论.ppt

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Some concepts: Foreign Trade(对外贸易): From the perspective of one country, international trade is also called ‘foreign trade’. Visible Trade(有形贸易): ?Trade in goods which can be actually seen passing through ports or airport, entering or leaving one country. Invisible Trade(无形贸易): Trade in services and technologies Tangible goods Intangible services Case Study Suppose that an America-based multinational company set up two subsidiaries in China. The parent company signed a sales contract with the subsidiaries, which stipulated that the parent company would make the delivery to one of the subsidiaries in Shanghai, which should forward some of the goods to another subsidiary at Chengdu. Question: Is the transaction between the parent company and the two subsidiaries an international trade? In France: Cost of Wine: 1 unit = 1/6 hour Cost of Cloth: 1 unit = 1/4 hour In England: Cost of Wine: 1 unit = 1 hour Cost of Cloth: 1 unit = 1/5 hour Trade barriers tariffs non-tariffs Socio-cultural barriers Language Religion Customs and manners Economic barriers exchange rate extra cost 1.4 Barriers to International Trade a. Quota 配额制 (the most important) This is a quantitative restriction or upper limit in terms of physical quantity or value. B. Non-tariffs Barriers (NTBs)非关税壁垒 b. Voluntary Export Restrains (VERs) 自动出口限制 Voluntary export restrains enable one country to force onto another country through bilateral agreement a low rate of increase in export volume. “自动出口限制”在形式上表现为自愿性,但在实质上却具有强制的性质:进口国往往以商品大量进口使其有关工业受到严重损害,造成“市场混乱”为理由,要求出口国实行有秩序的增长,自动限制商品出口。因此,“自动出口限制”往往是出口国在面临进口国采取报复性贸易措施的威胁时所作出的一种选择。 1.4 Barriers to International Trade c. Anti-dumping 反倾销 Anti-dumping is a kind of trade remedies; the premise of such practice is that the country must show that its domestic industry has suffered “material” injury by dumped or subsidized imports. 倾销,是指一国(地区)的生产商或出口商以低于其国内市场价格或低于成本价格将其商品抛售到另一国(地区)市场的行为。


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