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Men and Animals;Part 1;;;;;Part 2;;;;;;Normally one animal will only kill another for food, and rarely does an animal kill a member of its own species. (Line 6) 2. Only if hostility and aggression can be expressed in constructive activity and non-violent competition, will the human race be able to survive. (Line 61) ;2. It is not surprising if in these conditions people behave aggressively towards each other. (Line 31) ;Sentence Study;;;6.Unable in these conditions to channel their aggression into creative work, people will probably express it through resentment and anger.(line 47);;;adv. aggressively 好斗地;挑衅性地;好争吵地 n. aggression 侵略;敌对的情绪或行为;攻击 行动 aggressiveness 敌对情绪 n. aggressor (正式;贬义) 侵略者 ;请了解以下常见表达。;territory (n.) (Line 3, Para. 1) 1) [C; U] land ruled by one government 领土;版图 2) area regarded by a person, animal as belonging to it alone 地盘;领地 3) area of knowledge or activity (知识或活动的)范围,领域;inhabitant n. a person or animal that lives in a particular place 居民,住户; intrude (v.) (Line 3, Para. 1) ( + into, on, upon) bring or come in when not wanted 闯入;侵入;打扰;intrusion (n.) 闯入;侵入;打扰;请选择 intrude, interfere 或 interrupt 的适当形式完成句子。;submission (Line 6, Para. 1) submit (v.) 1) ( + to) yield oneself; agree to obey 服从;顺从 2) ( + to) offer for consideration 呈送;提交;;T: Hi, boys and girls, how are you going to celebrate the New Year’s Day? S: Oh, Mr. Smith, we’re thinking about a masquerade (化妆舞会) party. T: That sounds great. But I am afraid you have to _____________ (提交计划) to your administrator. ;;instinct for Animals have a natural instinct for survival. instinct to do something Birds have an instinct to build nests. by instinct Birds build nests by instinct. somebodys first instinct (=what someone feels like doing first when something happens) His first instinct was to rush out of the trembling house; ins


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