《高级时事英语》教授教化实施计划 - 廊坊广播电视大学(国外英语资料).doc

《高级时事英语》教授教化实施计划 - 廊坊广播电视大学(国外英语资料).doc

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《高级时事英语》教授教化实施计划 - 廊坊广播电视大学(国外英语资料)

《高级时事英语》教学实施方案 - 廊坊广播电视大学(国外英语资料) The online course discussion of appreciation of literature and English has a total score of 100, accounting for 30% of the total score. Online course discussion is divided into real-time and non real-time. Non real-time discussions shall be no less than 4 times. The number of real-time discussions is set by the tutor according to the actual teaching schedule. Tutors are required to assess the content, language and participation of the learners. The second part: Homework content (Reference) Name, the, figures, of, speech, used, in, the, lines., following With, this, faith, we, will, be, able, work, together, to, pray, together, to, struggle, together, to, go, to, jail, together, to, stand, up, for, freedom, together, knowing, that,, we,, will, to, be, free, one, day.. Delicate Ignorance is like a exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The Was the drunk hope wherein you dressed yourself Hath it slept since? Crafty men contemn studies; simple men admire them; and wise men use them. Oh, Elizabeth, your, justice,, would, freeze, beer. Note: the above activities are for routine exercises only, and the results of formative assessment will be used to complete the formative assessment exercises for the appreciation of literature and English issued by the Central Radio and Television University, and to participate in the discussion on the internet. Unit 1 in literature and English appreciation (4) Part 1: job requirements and instructions English literature appreciation shaped test scores (out of 100) by the The Open University of China Department of foreign languages unified production English through literature discussion and achievement assessment books at Zhejiang Radio and Television University University online platform online courses (real-time and non real-time) test. Form examination score of 100 points, accounting for the total score of form 70%; online four times, the results of 100 points, accounting for the total score of


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